Coat of suspicion by votes abroad | E …


The Front of all denounced to the justice and the electoral chamber of new "irregularities" during the elections which dedicated Alberto Fernández to the presidency of the Nation. Although "adulterations of norms" and undesignated authorities were detected in the suburbs of Buenos Aires, the veil of suspicion continued until the vote of the Argentineans abroad. Absence of identity identification, rejection of opposition prosecutors and standards with no identification number these are "suggestive facts" that would have affected the number of voters quadrupling compared to other years.

The complaint was lodged by the representative of the main opposition force, Jorge Landau, on the basis of testimonies from Argentines living in different countries and stating that to question the work of the Foreign Service under Chancellor Jorge Faurie.

There are two possibilities for voting abroad: by correspondence and in person. To vote by mail, the citizen must first register in the register as the registrant. However, "the verification of identity was very complex" and this affidavit was unparalleled in many cases.

After being notified, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs indicated that, if there were no "adverse elements to the declared identity, the validity of the identity should be presumed". In other words, it eliminated the need for evidence about who was going to vote.

This "It's extremely serious", describes the complaint to which he had access Page / 12 and this also details the "irregularities" in the in-person vote: in the standards used in the consular offices, "the copy of the DNI has not been verified". In other words, in the long lines of embassies that television broadcast Sunday, October 27, some people could vote without verification of their identity.

This is more often than not happening in many places, such as Miami, where he was allowed to continue to vote after the end of the election period. In other places, like Paris, the authorities at the table did not sign the electoral rolls", The text of the complaint continues.

Through an audio recording to which this newspaper had access, an Argentinian who lived in the French capital and had been confirmed as a table authority denounced the fact that the same day of the elections had been surprisingly rejected as such . "The six authorities of the table who were elected, nobody knows by what criteria (in the STEP) they had been prosecutors of Cambiemos," he said. "I have expressed my disagreement and misunderstanding about this unclear situation and lacking a democratic or transparent foundation," he added, but everything remained the same.

"There was a line of descent"

"We never had a problem voting abroad," Landau said.who has maintained that all that has happened is the product of an "attitude of the diplomatic service, because ambassadors and consuls, under the tutelage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, are charged with" guarding the elections at their headquarters.

In dialogue with Page / 12, the representative of Frente de Todos indicated that these facts suggest that "The executive has taken a centralized decision in favor of this action" and accused the diplomatic service of "failing to conduct impartially" in this regard and securing 360,000 Argentineans registered in the world.

The foreign voting campaign promoted by the government has been successful for the ruling party. While there "was an average of 14,000 voters in the 2015 and 2017 elections, there were 60,000 in the 2019 elections," Landau said. The result is suggestive: Together for the change, he obtained 75% of the votes while the Front of All rounded the 17.

"You see the numbers and notice something weird, common sense. But all this should be clarified by the electoral justice, "he said. However, all this "demonstrates the real intention to change the legal regime of the Argentine vote abroad, by a decree of the executive power" without control of Congress, lamented the complaint.

For Landau, "There was a line down" from the government to the diplomats. "There was even a team for this," he said, adding that in the coming days, he would have more details on the case.

"The elections are over and I do not want to change the result. Better yet, the number of voters has increased because it is a matter of law and constitutional guarantees. What I want is that the institutions work better because there will be more and more elections. "he clarified.

Allegations of irregularities on Argentine soil

What happened during the elections abroad are not the only "irregularities" denounced by the Front of all. It has also been detected "Falsified standards" in Buenos Aires. "The maneuver was to put a letter A in front of the DNI number which was to presume that the elector had got a new document, but when he went with the one that he already had, he was suspected of having attempted to defraud, "Landau said.

This "expulsion method" caused several voters they will not exercise their right or that your vote appears as "on appeal". About 150 cases were recorded. "What is most striking is that the vast majority were in the Malvinas Argentinas, La Matanza and José C. Paz, eminently Peronist municipalities. Not in San Isidro or Vicente López, "said Landau.

This complaint of "adulteration of standards" also implies the National Register of Persons, reporting to the Ministry of the Interior, for notifying the information concerning the documentation of the citizens.

Another proposal was made to the Federal Electoral Tribunal in charge of María Romilda Servini this was due to the absence of sending telegrams to the presidents appointed by the electoral justice. These places have been covered by other citizens and it is impossible for this to change the results. "But what we are asking the judge, is to cross the designations with the acceptance of the presidents, to find out why that happened. ", says the lawyer.

Objections have been filed against the electoral system since last December. Many of them suffered from the respect of the electoral justice and others were accepted. Some of the best known are the omissions in the register of voters aged 16 to 18 years., an age sector that macroism could not conquer.

Another example was the denunciation by the Security Ministry resolution that attempted to create a "parallel security system" under which the provincial police monitored and informed the government of what had happened in the centers. of voting, thus interfering with the work that the Federal Electoral Command (Armed Forces and Federal Security Forces) has by law.

In addition, there are well-known complaints against the temporary filtering system in charge of Smarmatic. But now this step is over, "About what we must now give guarantees, it is the final examination," Landau concluded.


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