Coca-Cola silver to divert research | Or …


The American company Coca-Cola has invested 8 million euros in France to influence health professionals and scientists, according to a survey of the newspaper Le Monde. The goal was to distract from the effects of sodas and other sugary drinks on health.

"Since 2010, Coca-Cola has dedicated more than eight million euros to experts and various medical organizations, sports and events," writes the newspaper, adding that "in France and elsewhere, these funds are, in their majority , communication or pure sponsorship, and not a real scientific work ".

According to Le Monde, everything comes from a survey on the lobbying of the multinational, published in 2015 in the New York Times. After the scandal, the firm promises transparency and publishes on its website the names of experts and the list of activities that it funds in the United States.

"In France, the insistence of the NGO Foodwatch requires Coca-Cola to publish them in April 2016." It is this data, updated since then, that the newspaper claims to have badyzed. "Dieticians, nutritionists or sports doctors: most of the 18 people appointed are health professionals," writes Le Monde.

The financing of the multinational, owner of Sprite, Fanta or Minute Maid, seeks to "make people forget the risks badociated with their sugary drinks," highlighting the lack of physical activity in the obesity issue, according to the newspaper.

In addition, a study published in a public health journal, the Journal of Public Health Policy, published May 8, reveals that the firm imposes multiple clauses to influence the scientific work that it sponsors.

The authors of the study, led by Sarah Steele, Professor of Law in Public Health at Jesus College of Cambridge University (UK), were able to badyze five contracts between Coca-Cola and prestigious universities in the United States and Canada. Steele summarizes: "reserves the right to discontinue contracts without cause". And "the terms and conditions of these contracts do not match Coca-Cola's statements on its website".


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