Code Vein is delayed for 2019


Scheduled for September 28, Code Vein was delayed from Bandai Namco to be published on a date to be determined, in 2019. The Japanese publisher gives reasons concise for the decision was made.

As we read in the press release, "Code Vein generated very positive reactions both in the press and among consumers ", so Bandai Namco says it's difficult to make the decision, but they have no choice but to delay it. It seems that the development requires more time for " to ensure that the end product offers an experience as expected ". As we always say here, if the delay in the output is translated into a better video game, then we forgive him.

Code Vein is a role-playing game in a dark world of vampires. Anime aesthetic, the title is strongly inspired by Dark Souls . He will arrive at PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC via Steam, in 2019.

Florence Orsetti

Editor-in-chief and founder of SHD. Astonished by the horror in both video games and cinema and literature, has several years of experience in journalistic writing. Follower and promoter of independent video games.

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