Collapse of the dam in Russia: 15 dead and several missing | Chronic


Fifteen people died and 13 others are missing following the collapse of a dam on the river in the Siberian region of Krasnoyarsk, while 14 people were hospitalized for injuries of varying severity, including three in a state. critical.

The head of the local government, Yuri Lapshinassured that "predictable" the death toll will increase in the next few hours, after the disaster in a gold field of Seiba River, at the altitude of the city of Schetinkino.

Official sources confirmed to the local media that among the dead, wounded and missing were the workers who resided in the temporary barracks who were razed by a huge thrombus caused by the heavy rains of recent days.

Russian troops help in the evacuation of the city. (Twitter)

"In the two barracks affected by the rupture of the dam, lived about 80 people", said a manager EFE

The investigating committee has already criminally denounced the deaths of people because of a possible violation of the company's work safety rules. "Sibzoloto". In this regard, Lapshin indicated that the wreckage had been built in a traditional manner and was violating "all standards imaginable and unimaginable".

A medical team, including a neurosurgeon, was sent to the area, 160 kilometers south of Krasnoyarsk, to assist the wounded.


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