Collective and train tickets increase, but subsidies do not fall


They will be between 30% and 70% depending on the route and branch, and gradually until October; the decision was made surprisingly, in order to cope with the rising costs, and it does not mitigate budget expenditure

unexpectedly and as a result of the

Increased costs of the transportation system
for the

high inflation
of recent months, the government yesterday announced further increases of 30% in group rates and 30% to 70% – depending on the different branches – for those trains in the metropolitan area.

the increase in the rates of these utilities will not produce a real reduction in the weight of billion-dollar subsidies to the sector, but – in the context of the new agreed budgetary targets

between the government and the IMF
– they avoid that budget reinforcements are needed to cope with the higher expenditures of the system.

Translated: in a semester of high price hikes, the executive could match the higher costs with more subsidies, transfer them to pbadengers or reduce expenses, for example, maintenance or renewal. He chose the second option

According to the details provided yesterday afternoon at a press conference of the Minister of Transport,

Guillermo Dietrich
The minimum fare for buses will increase from $ 10 to $ 13 in mid-October. The increase will be staggered from $ 1 per month in August, September and October (it will be applied on the 15th, mid-month). The social pbadage ticket will increase from the current $ 4.50 to $ 5.85, also gradually.

The increase in train tickets will be different depending on the branches.

El Miter, Sarmiento and San Martin will show increases in the first two months of $ 0.75 and then $ 0.50 in the last. This will increase from $ 6.75 (minimum daily value) to $ 7.50 (August 15), $ 8.25 (September 15) and $ 8.75 (October 15). The social rate, for which $ 3.04 is paid today, will have a value of $ 3.94 in October

Users of Roca and Belgrano Sur trains will spend $ 3.25. aujourd & # 39; hui. during the day at $ 5.50 in October. The staggering will be as follows: $ 4 (August), $ 4.75 (September) and $ 5.50. The social rate will gradually increase from $ 1.46 to $ 2.48. In Belgrano Norte, where fees of $ 3.25 are currently being paid, on August 15, it will rise to $ 3.75. One month later, at $ 4.25 and October 15, at $ 4.75. Your social rate will have a distributed increase in the same months: from $ 1.46 to $ 2.14. In the end, Urquiza will have three increases, from $ 3.50 to $ 5.75 in October. In the middle, it will cost $ 4.25 in August and $ 5 in September. The social rate will go from $ 1.58 to $ 2.59.

The rate increases
Unprogrammed transport will have, as happened with those recorded in the first half – in installments, in February, April and June – an impact on the price indices of these months. This means that the months of August, September and October will already accompany an important component of regulated price increases, which will give the consumer price index (CPI) a major base of increase. To this will be added the increases already planned for energy utilities (electricity and gas), between 25% and 30%. "This increase is already included in the inflation figures," Dietrich said.

Last January, when the minimum ticket cost between $ 6 and October, group rates will have increased by 116%. In the same period, the increase of minimum tickets on the lines San Martín, Sarmiento and Miter will be 118%. In Belgrano Norte, 137%; in Roca and Belgrano Sur, 175%, and in La Urquiza, 159%.

Dietrich points out that 60% of all group and train pbadengers have access to a premium, whether it is the social or
the use of the Red Sube. While the metro depends on the jurisdiction of Buenos Aires, the Minister of Transport said that when the "judicial process" for which a previous increase is stopped, "updates will be made". When the Minister of Transport justified the increases, he said that he was working for a more equitable, predictable and safe transportation, and reviewed the infrastructure works faced in the region that he directed. "Rates must accompany this process, the system has its costs," he said. Among them, he cited the joint increase of the Union of Tranviarios Automotor (UTA), which "fence" by 25.5%. "This increase has financing needs," he said on the wages of drivers

When LA NACION asked him if this increase was in the plans at the beginning of the year, Dietrich said that " the system has many variables ". Among them cited the international price of oil, which in recent months has increased significantly. "We can not badure what will happen in the future, we hope that no other updates are needed," he said about future increases. The announcement of a press conference on credit lines for the renewal of fleets of trucks and mbad-produced vehicles was so surprising yesterday that Dietrich had answered a reporter's question about the ### ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Future transport rates: "There is nothing, always evaluating the problem."

Collective societies in the metropolitan area and inland receive about 60 000 million dollars in subsidies Trains, meanwhile, about 20 000 million dollars Before the consultation of the media, Dietrich did not want to give details on the budgetary savings of the measure nor on the percentage of In addition, he suggested on the other hand, that the announced increases "result from the evolution of the costs." He also pointed out that such an evolution does not occur. was not considered at the beginning of the year and that the increases Most of the changes were in the new values ​​of wages, fuel, vehicle prices, number of pbadengers and their use of the SUBE network, among other costs. In a nutshell, Dietrich claimed that in real terms, transportation subsidies are "falling". He categorically denied that this new tariff adjustment had been negotiated with the IMF and, questioned about the link between the new budget targets badumed by the government and this increase in tickets to avoid other subsidies, it was clear: "There is budget and we must comply."

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