Colombia and the theory of the molecular revolution | L …


The Colombian far right has discovered the importance of waging a cultural battle for the production of meaning about what is happening in its streets. He did so by appropriating a work by French philosopher and psychiatrist Félix Guattari and using the voice of an obscure Chilean character trained in Nazism. Former President Álvaro Uribe used the contribution of Alexis López Tapia, director of radio and television Santiago de Chile (RST) and former collaborator of Radio Bío Bío to attribute what is happening in Colombia to a “dissipated molecular revolution” . A concept that the man of the media has appropriated from Guattari, who wrote important works with Gilles Deleuze. The anti-Oedipus in 1972 and a thousand plateaus -Capitalism and schizophrenia- in 1980.

The affinity of thought between Uribe and López Tapia we knew it when Gustavo Petro, senator of the Colombian force Humana and presidential candidate, announced it. The same was true for Venezuelan national deputy Diosdado Cabello and a key figure in the government of Nicolás Maduro. The Chilean denied knowing Colombia’s former president personally, but suggested in a YouTube interview that Uribe may have read “some of the material I investigated.”

López Tapia presents himself on the Linkedin network as an “entomologist and scientific and historical researcher with studies in journalism, electronics, computer science and classical languages”. On February 19, he gave a lecture at the Military University of Nueva Granada in Colombia where he was described as an “illustrious son of Chile” and a “blatant researcher, journalist, writer and political scientist” as published by the site Chilean La voz de los que sobre. It was one of two occasions he spoke at the university. He was invited by its rector, Brigadier General Luis Fernando Puentes.

He spoke of the social epidemic in his country which began on October 14, 2019 against the increase in metro tickets. According to the same Chilean page, he defined the concept Uribe adheres to to explain what is happening in Colombia today: “the forces of order and security are constrained and excluded; urban and rural guerrillas are articulated; subversive crime functions like a revolutionary machine; there is a state of horizontal, molecular and dissipated civil war ”.

Two years after the popular uprising against the government of Sebastián Piñera, López Tapia insists on sticking to Guattari’s theory explained in his book Molecular revolution (and to which he added the adjective “dissipated”) published in 1977. He does so to link these events in Chile with what is currently happening in Colombia. “It’s the same, step by step, what happens is manual. Kill me for a nazi, kill me for a messenger, I don’t care, the message is already posted ”says the man who inspires Uribe but he is far from the French intellectual to whom he extrapolated his thought for turn it into an extreme drift to the right.

When he exhibited at the Military University of Bogotá, he justified the repressive actions of the riflemen in his country and used an image of Donald Trump and another of Piñera to answer the question himself: What is the right way to deal with violence ?? He associated the former President of the United States with concepts such as assertion of authority, non-negotiation with terrorists, will and the exercise of power and courage to deal with the insurgency. The Chilean president has faced relinquishment of authority, surrender and submission to threats, unwillingness to exercise power and fear of facing the insurgency. As if his government’s response to the mobilizations had been trivial. None dead or lost an eye from the pellets thrown by the police.

The filming with the López Tapia exhibition has been canceled. But not an audio or the images he used to explain his repressive theory. He went so far as to assert that in Chile “the institution with the highest permanent public approval, including the insurgency, is the Carabinieri”.

The presence of López Tapia in Colombia provoked a reaction from several young Jews of the time. They wrote a letter to the main organization in their community in which they criticized the Chilean presence at the university. where military and police are trained in other professions. They also demanded that Uribe’s expressions on his Twitter account on May 3 referring to the “acknowledged and confessed neo-Nazi” theory be rejected. The far-right politician had written: “resist the dissipated molecular revolution: prevent normality, scale and cut”.

It was just one of his concepts. Uribe never rests in his preaching: “There is an old thing that has continued to grow in Colombia, it is violence, in which intervene the FARC, drug trafficking groups, extremist politicians who combine all forms of struggle and which is also encouraged from the outside. , and that he proposes that Colombia be a third Cuba or a second Venezuela… ”.

López Tapia’s link with Hitler’s ideals goes a long way. La Desdemona, another Chilean website, describes it this way: “She entered kindergarten knowing how to read and write. At the age of eight he had received from his father, the military officer Osvaldo López, the book written by Hitler, My Struggle, and at the age of eleven, the complete archives of the National Socialist Workers’ Party (PNSO) founded by Chile. Franz Pfeiffer in the 1960s “. The same publication states that” when he was in 8th grade his classmates already called him ‘the Nazi’.

López Tapia grew up and kept the same ideas. Between April 17 and 22, 2000, he was the general coordinator of the I International Ideological Meeting of Nationality and Socialism which was held in two places: a cabin in Concón, in the Fifth Region and his home in Santiago de Chile. . He was active in the far-right political movement Patria Nueva Sociedad, which counted him among its founders. The initiative to meet was championed in the magazine he edited, Pendragón: “We will organize the meeting at any cost and no matter whoever it is.” He was unable to attend the opening of the meeting because he was detained.

Five months later, on September 21, 2000, he traveled to Buenos Aires. Alejandro Biondini had invited him to the launch of the New Triumph Party organized at the Castelar hotel on Avenida de Mayo. He was one of the speakers for the event, where he appeared in a brown uniform. His defense of the dictator Augusto Pinochet – without naming him – is still recalled in the lies of Creole Nazism. “I come from a country which calls itself democratic and which, however, prefers to lock up a son of his land before being looked down upon by the international community”. The soldier who led the coup against Salvador Allende was detained in London for 503 days on the orders of Judge Baltasar Garzón, but never in Chile. If he returned to his country in May 2000, just as López Tapia had just held the first meeting of his neo-Nazi party. Today, two decades after this meeting, she is the ideological fuel of Colombian Uribism and identifies with the phrase “Homeland or chaos” on her Twitter account.

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