Colombia withdraws operational aid in Venezuela


"This peaceful and humanitarian action has been interrupted since Venezuela under the usurper regime of Maduro with a violent and disproportionate repression," said the Foreign Minister. Carlos Holmes Trujillo in a statement to the media.

According to the official, there are "285 wounded", including 255 Venezuelans and 30 Colombians, "the effects of tear gas and the use of unconventional weapons".

As a result, "the return of the trucks was organized to protect the aid, with the exception of trucks on which drugs were burned on Venezuelan territory," said Holmes Trujillo.

In addition, he repeated that does not recognize the "usurper" government of Nicolás Maduro, nor his announcement to sever diplomatic relations in the midst of escalating riots and tensions on the entrance of the essential help to Venezuela.

The government of Iván Duque recognizes "the president Juan Guaidó who is grateful for the invitation he has made to Colombian diplomatic and consular officials to remain in Venezuelan territory, "said MinisterOlmes Trujillo.

The diplomat fixed Bogota's position after Maduro's decision to "sever all diplomatic and political relations with the fascist Colombian government".

"All his ambbadadors and consuls must leave in 24 hours from Venezuela," added the president before a mbadive demonstration in Caracas.

Holmes Trujillo pointed out that organize the return of Colombian leaders "to preserve" their lives and their integrity.

"Colombia blames the usurper Maduro for any aggression or ignorance of the rights of Colombian officials in Venezuela," he added.

Vice President Marta Lucia Ramirez added that "Maduro can not break the diplomatic relations that Colombia does not have with him", in your Twitter account.

Bogotá has virtually no relationship with the Chavez government since mid-2017.


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