Colombian corpse found in house in Spain: his cats fed on the body for weeks


05/28/2021 AMP.- They find the body of a woman who died several weeks ago in her house in the Fuencarral district (Madrid).  A few days ago, the body of a woman of Colombian nationality who had died several weeks ago in her house in the Fuencarral district was found with her cats, some of them also starved to death, spokesperson for the High See from Madrid.  Police.  SPAIN EUROPE MADRID SOCIEDAD
05/28/2021 AMP.- They find the body of a woman who died several weeks ago in her house in the Fuencarral district (Madrid). The body of a Colombian woman who died several weeks ago at her home in the Fuencarral district was found a few days ago, along with her cats, some of whom also died of starvation, spokesperson for the higher headquarters of the Madrid police . . SPAIN EUROPE MADRID SOCIEDAD

This week, Spanish National Police found body of 77-year-old woman in Madrid home. A neighbor’s call alerted authorities, as the woman said she had not seen the elderly person for several weeks and that she she lived alone with her seven catsIn addition, a bad smell came out of the house.

The Colombian’s neighbors had wondered about her for several days, as it was common to see her on the street feeding stray cats. Some approached his house, after confirming that he had not answered his personal phone, when they realized that the elderly person’s mailbox was full of papers, they thought he had may have been infected with a coronavirus, but the bad smell of the place made them think the worst.

According to the Spanish media, after receiving the call to 091 (emergency number for that country), several men in uniform were present at the scene and after noticing the smell coming out of the house, they called the fire department. so that they enter the woman’s house. Upon entering, the men in uniform encountered a grim and grim scene, The 77-year-old woman’s body was in a state of decay, and several parts of her body had evidence that her cats had eaten them.

After carrying out the necessary checks, the Spanish authorities succeeded in establishing that the body was of a 77-year-old Colombian identified as Clara Inés Tobón, who died alone because he had no close family members, apparently for natural reasons.

It has been established that Tobón had Diogenes syndrome, This is why several garbage bags were found at his home, number 5, rue San Cugat del Vallés in the Fuencarral district in Madrid, Spain. A forensic analysis is expected, but authorities believe his death occurred about three months ago and was due to natural causes.

05/28/2021 VIDEO: They find the body of a woman who has been dead for several weeks in her house in the Fuencarral neighborhood (Madrid).  The body of a 77-year-old woman was found a few days ago the body of a Colombian woman who died several weeks ago in her house in the Fuencarral district with her cats, some of them also starved , informed Europe Press a spokesperson for the higher headquarters of the Madrid police.  SPAIN EUROPE MADRID SOCIEDAD GOOGLE MAPS
05/28/2021 VIDEO: They find the body of a woman who has been dead for several weeks in her house in the Fuencarral neighborhood (Madrid). The body of a 77-year-old woman was found a few days ago the body of a Colombian woman who died several weeks ago in her house in the Fuencarral district with her cats, some of them also starved , informed Europe Press a spokesperson for the higher headquarters of the Madrid police. SPAIN EUROPE MADRID SOCIEDAD GOOGLE MAPS

In addition, the bodies of the felines are also being examined, as several have died. Clara Inés Tobón’s seven cats ate parts of her decomposed body, which is why five of them are believed to have died, while two remained alive, in poor health, and were transferred to the Animal Welfare Center.

The lonely life of Clara Inés Tobón in Madrid, Spain

El Mundo newspaper described that Tobón has lived in Madrid since 1996 and has never married or had children, In addition, it is presumed that his only relatives are in Colombia, causing the delay for someone to detect his absence to be longer. His only friends were the locals.

One of the neighbors told EFE: “I missed her a lot because she was standing there with the kittens to feed them, and I hadn’t seen her for three or four months“And added that they did not suspect before death, since”his house itself smelled bad because he accumulated a lot of cats there, he accumulated everything“.

Noticing the absence, weeks later, one of the neighbors went to a nearby hospital and asked for her, but the Colombian was not in the medical records. Then the neighbors contacted the owner of the building and the Madrid Housing Institute (IVIMA), who were also unable to obtain an answer on the whereabouts of the woman.

IVIMA informed them that over the past few months they have achieved “all payments and nothing to indicate that he was deceased, since everything was normal“Quoted El Mundo.

The increase in the plague and the presence of more flies alerted the neighbor of number 4, so they finally decided to contact the authorities., who, with the help of firefighters, entered the house through the windows to encounter the terrible scene. “A national police officer told us that it was the worst i have ever seen since I worked“, A neighbor told the Spanish media.

Finally, the door to Clara Inés’ house is taped by the authorities and the neighbors are waiting for someone to come and clean up to put an end to the plague. The Colombian woman’s body remains at the Institute of Forensic Medicine, where appropriate forensic investigations are conducted, while her relatives are searched in Colombia.


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