Colombian family traveled to Brazil to attend the Copa América: when they arrived, they realized it was without an audience | the Chronicle


A family traveled to Brazil to watch the Copa América matches, but Little did they know the controversial Nations Tournament was taking place without an audience in the stadiums. Apparently, the unhappy and uninformed fans had been left with the thorn that the tournament is not played in their country, so they decided to attend the contest wherever it is played.

The Colombians belong to the Calderón family, who live in the United States and as in this country the patidos are already played with the public, they thought the same thing had happened in Brazil.

“The logical thing was he had an audience, originally in Colombia he would have 30 percent occupancy. We thought it would be the same.”said the Calderons, who will stay in Rio de Janeiro anyway.

In this way, the Colombians will be dedicated to touring Cuiabá, Goiania and Rio de Janeiro, as they wanted to see the four games that the Colombian team would play in Group A against Brazil, Venezuela, Peru and Ecuador.

Regardless, the Calderón family took the matter up with humor and even approached the hotel where their compatriots were staying, who beat Ecuador 1-0. Moreover, it has already been reported that their team has draws 0-0 against Venezuela.

Social media users weren’t silenced by what happened and poked fun at them from top to bottom with thousands of memes.

On Wednesday 23, the Colombian team will have a tough game against host Brazil, who beat Venezuela and Peru 3-0 and 4-0, respectively.


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