Colombian nanny denounced her boss in the US for putting a camera in her room and recording it without clothes


Colombian nanny denounced her boss in the US for putting a camera in her room and recording it without clothes
Colombian nanny denounced her boss in the US for putting a camera in her room and recording it without clothes

Kelly Andrade, a 25-year-old Colombian, worked in the United States for Michael Esposito, a father of three she cared for and owner of three fast food franchises in Staten Island, New York. The woman reported that the man installed a camera in her bedroom smoke detector and collected hours and hours of footage of her changing or naked.

Andrade began to be suspicious of the man’s behavior after repeatedly finding him in his room under the pretext that the detector was not working well and that he needed to fix it. As the young woman told a local newspaper, when she found out about the hundreds of hours of filming, she escaped through a window before the man found out she knew about the camera. and rushes to the police to denounce the stalker.

“I was very scared. Besides what just happened, now I have nowhere to stay, I am in a completely unknown country, I am alone. I have no money, I do not I don’t know what I’m going to eat, I don’t know what I’m going to do tomorrow, “Andrade commented in a local newspaper.

Police arrested Esposito on charges of illegal surveillance, but he was released. For his part, the man’s lawyer assured that the installed camera was part of the entire surveillance circuit of the house. In addition, he alleges that his client has committed no crime since the house is his property and that he can have cameras wherever he wants.

Kelly Andrade came to this country through Cultural Care Au Pair, an agency that took her to this family so that she could work alongside them. The Colombian is now suing both the family and the company, who have not responded for her safety and after losing her job due to the complaint, she has been left homeless in this country.

Sexual harassment in Colombia:

Precisely in Colombia, the situation regarding the sexual exploitation of girls, boys and adolescents increased considerably during the pandemic, this because minors were spending much more time on their computers. According to the “I protect you” reporting line, so far in 2021, 14,938 reports of digital assault have been received, of which 51.4%, 6,818 correspond to sexual content in which minors have been forced to do things they didn’t want to.

Reports have also shown that girls between the ages of 4 and 13 constitute 84% (5,744) of all cases of self-generated sexual content. Carolina Piñeros, executive director of Red PaPaz, assured Radio Nacional that these figures, from 2021 only, show that many prevention and control actions are still lacking to advance in the prevention of sexual violence via social networks or the Internet. .

“We believe that we need to ask ourselves new questions and recommendations for families and schools, such as: to urge anyone who receives an image of a girl, boy or teenager in an erotic situation, for example, to never store it; the fact that we are aware that whoever asks us to do something on camera records it and that someone can use it later, is this new concept of “capers” that we have not talked about much in Colombia ”, he assured Radio Nacional.

According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), women and girls are the main victims, accounting for 50% and 20% of cases, respectively.

It should be noted that the UN indicates that cyberbullying can reach anyone, anywhere and at any time, which can leave the victim in a constant state of anxiety. According to the document “An everyday lesson” from Unicef, victims of bullying are more likely to drop out of school, consuming alcohol and psychoactive substances. In addition, their academic performance may be affected as well as their self-esteem.

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