Colombian Vice-President denounces Nicolás Maduro’s interference in Colombian national strike


In the picture a record of the Vice-President of Colombia, Marta Lucía Ramírez.  EFE / Mauricio Dueñas / Archives
In the picture a record of the Vice-President of Colombia, Marta Lucía Ramírez. EFE / Mauricio Dueñas / Archives

Colombian Vice-President Marta Lucía Ramírez posted on her Twitter account several comments regarding an alleged intervention by the Venezuelan government of Nicolás Maduro in the protests that have been taking place in Colombia since April 28, due to the national strike. . Taking into account, as main argument, the speech of the Ecuadorian President, Lenin Moreno, in which he assured that there was a “gross interference” on the part of the Venezuelan dictator in “what is happening in Colombia”.

According to Moreno’s statements at the “Defense of Democracy in the Americas” forum, organized by the Inter-American Institute for Democracy (IID), Ecuador assured that after the intelligence actions of the authorities of his country and the authorities Colombian, and after having had a conversation with his colleague, Iván Duque, we came to the conclusion of the participation of the neighbor brother in the demonstrations.

At the event, which was held in person at a Miami hotel with the participation of OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro, former presidents, politicians, academics and artists, the President Ecuadorian assured that, “Ecuadorian intelligence services have detected the crass interference of dictator Maduro, the bloody and corrupt hands of this dictator, in what is happening in Colombia right now.”

Ramírez, in his complaint, which he accompanied with informational videos, assured that there was a clear strategy against Colombia “Perfectly planned, financed and executed”, according to her, to destroy the country and its democracy.

Marta Lucia Ramirez
Marta Lucia Ramirez

Following this trill, Iván Duque’s vice-presidential formula put Maduro’s last name in his statements and wrote that the drug dictatorship he imposed on his country, in Ramírez’s words, It has generated the greatest humanitarian tragedy for Venezuelan citizens and who, moreover, seeks to “export” this same model to Colombia.

Information retrieved from the Blu Radio digital portal indicated that Ramírez, during the meeting he shared with the diplomatic corps accredited in the country, the afternoon of May 5, assured that during the demonstrations in Colombia, there are professional agitators, who aim to intervene ‘systematically ”, to generate chaos, aggression and violence. The meeting, which aimed share official information on social mobilization in Colombia, and the measures taken to prevent acts of vandalism, were used, among other things, to talk about the areas of the country that have been the hardest hit.

Marta Lucia Ramirez
Marta Lucia Ramirez

“Unfortunately, the facts have been passed in some cities across the country. The situation in which Valle del Cauca finds itself, where there has been a blockade of food, medical supplies, where there are sectors that are currently in a critical situation (…) seeing that the interest of The government is a genuine interest in supporting the poorest, balancing public finances for the good of all Colombians, to guarantee the whole country the order that we need for businesses to function, so that people do not continue to lose their jobs ”, underlined the person in charge during the meeting which she chaired and at which assisted Foreign Minister Claudia Blum, Interior Minister Daniel Palaces; and the Minister of Defense, Diego Molano.

The Minister of People’s Power for Foreign Relations of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza, rejected the words of Lenin and the trill of the former Colombian president, Andrés Pastrana, in which he agreed with what was said by the Ecuadorian president. Likewise, Arreaza posted an image on his Twitter account referring to Pinocchio to describe Lenin Moreno.

Jorge Arraeaza
Jorge Arraeaza

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