Colon cancer: 20 people die every day from this disease in Argentina


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 240,000 new cases are registered each year in the Americas region, of which approximately 96,000 die. Although in the In Argentina, about 13,500 cases are diagnosed each year and about 20 lives are billed per day.

Colon cancer is one of the most common and preventable cancers; it can be detected early, even before the patient has symptoms. This type of tumor occurs in men and women over 50 years and about 75% in people with no personal or family history.


Cervical cancer: produced by HPV, is the second leading cause of death in women aged 35 to 64

The main ones risk factors they are: a diet low in fiber and high in fat and red meat, smoking, alcohol consumption and sedentary lifestyle.

From symptoms The most common are: usual evacuation changes, feeling of incomplete evacuation, blood loss per year, discomfort or abdominal pain, abdominal distension, decomposition and lack of strength, among others.

The main method of detecting this disease is the colonoscopy, a study that allows the diagnosis and treatment of precancerous lesions (polyps). The proctological examination and the fecal occult blood test are also performed.

The importance of early diagnosis

Just 27% of people between 50 and 75 are diagnosedso that most cancers are detected at an advanced stage, which complicates their treatment.

In this context, Scientific Association of Digestive Endoscopists of Buenos Aires (Endiba) launched the campaign # MakeOneColonoscopy including Julián Weich, Mario Pergolini, Marcelo Bonelli, Maria Julia Oliván and Luis Rubio participated, with the aim of raising awareness about the importance of colon cancer prevention.

Through her, she seeks to transmit the Safety and effectiveness of colonoscopy as a diagnostic methodand eliminate the modesty and fear that this practice causes in most patients.

"The prevention of colorectal cancer is essentially done with two methods of diagnosis. The first is the occult blood in feces, that the patient can do at home using a device provided by the doctor. The second study, more precise and more efficient, is the colonoscopy, first option for patients considered "at risk" for having a family history of the disease or having suffered from an inflammatory bowel disease, "describes Dr. Lisandro Pereyra, member Endiba.

Dr. Leandro Steinberg, also from the institution, explained that "The study of occult blood in feces detects cancers at an early stage, while colonoscopy can also highlight polyps, which are the precursor lesions that give rise to colon cancer. "And he points out that colonoscopy is a totally safe test that, if it does not show any abnormality, it will only be necessary to do it again ten years later.

For this reason, specialists recommend to all persons colonoscopy is over 50 years old detect the disease early and increase the effectiveness of treatment. Also those who have over 40 years and family or personal history of polyps or colorectal cancer, as well as those who have history of inflammatory bowel disease, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.


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