Colon cancer, what is its relationship with food?


It is the fourth most common oncological pathology in America; Every year, more than 240,000 new cases are produced. Tips to prevent it

Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer pathology in the Americas. According to information provided by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), more than 240,000 new cases and about 112,000 deaths from the disease occur each year in the region.

In the majority of cases, it is intimately linked to some of the risk factors that affect the person, both voluntary and involuntary. Although many of them are not under the control of the patient, such as his age or family history, there are others that the person can control. In this way, you can help prevent the disease or, at least, minimize the risk of developing it.

Food is one of the elements that can be located in the second group. According to various studies, there is a clear relationship between the diet of most Westerners and the increased risk of colon cancer. Because? In general, this type of food has a high fat content and, on the contrary, a small amount of fiber, factors that contribute to the development of this pathology.

However, specialists do not yet know exactly why this situation. This is why the areas of research in the field are varied and they are actively working to find the reason behind this reality. The facts, however, are not in doubt.

Thus, it is possible to say that people who consume red meat and processed or ultra-processed meat are more likely to develop colon cancer at some point in their lives. In addition, it is important to note that this risk is multiplied if this habit is combined with others that seriously affect health in this regard.

What are the other elements that make up this list?

In which people "can not control," seven important factors can increase the risk of colon cancer. In any case, it is necessary for the wearer to control his health, as he naturally has more risk than the rest of the human beings.

Older age is one of the main ones; In general, the diagnosis of colon cancer is over 50 years old. Although it is possible to appear before this age, the frequency is much lower.

Ethnicity is also another important element: several surveys indicate that African Americans are more likely to develop this pathology.

The personal history of this type of cancer or polyps in the region is another risk factor. Having colon cancer or adenomatous polyps increases the chances of developing this disorder in the future. It should be noted that in most cases, this type of polyps is benign, implying that it is not a cancer and that the pathology does not spread to other people. 39 other parts of the body. In general, they usually appear with age and there are different types.

In the same way, family history operates; all people whose parents, children or siblings have had this disease are more likely to have it.
Inflammatory bowel diseases, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, may increase the risk of colon cancer.

Similarly, hereditary syndromes that naturally contribute to the onset of this oncological pathology are another component of the list of risk factors. Adenomatous polyposis and Lynch syndrome, which are often inherited from generation to generation, are among the major diseases of this group.

Diabetes is a disease that can increase the risk of colon cancer, especially in insulin-dependent patients.

Finally, cancer radiotherapy directed to the abdomen can increase the chances of suffering from this disease. People who have undergone another type of oncology pathology and who have been treated in this way should know that this increases the risk.

On the other hand, there are factors that people are able to control, so that it is partially in their hands to prevent colon cancer.

In addition to the above diet, a sedentary lifestyle can result in the onset of this disease. To avoid this, it is advisable to exercise regularly, as this helps prevent colon cancer and also improves the quality of life in general.

Obesity is another of the elements that make up this list. Although there are cases in which weight loss is difficult and is entirely in the hands of the patient, there are others in which yes. That's why this factor is included in this group and not in the previous one.

Finally, smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol are the elements that complete the list of factors that may increase the risk of developing colon cancer.

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