Comercio accepted an additional 10% increase and parity accumulates an increase of 25%


Triaca with Cavalieri and representatives of the sector companies to sign additional increase in trade

  Triaca with Cavalieri and representatives of the sector companies to sign additional increase in trade [19659003] The government officially finished yesterday the new annual salary grid dedication, up 25% in line with the increase inaugurated by Hugo Moyano for Truckers, no less than 10 points above the benchmark that I had imagined in the first months of the year. In a tacit acknowledgment that inflation will end the year almost double the initial target of 15%, Labor Minister Jorge Triaca personally blessed yesterday the agreement reached by the union of employees of the Commerce and Chambers of Commerce increased activity by 10% wage agreement of 15% sealed last March. With the additional increase, which will be implemented in three tranches (3% in October, 3% in November and 4% in January 2019), the recomposition will benefit 1.2 million workers in the commercial sector. will rise to 25%. 19659004] Thus, the floor salary in the activity, will be located at around $ 27,000. </p>
<p>  The additional increase agreed on the most numerous seal may not be the last of the year , as admitted to this newspaper Armando Cavalieri, the owner of the Trade Employees Guild. "The review clause remains in effect and if the government does not stop rate increases and other prices that have an impact on inflation, it will be updated again," he added. </p>
<p>  However, before the consultation El Cronista Cavalieri also stated that a scenario of permanent renegotiation of wages is "a problem". "This situation is unfortunate, you can not update the salaries every two months," he admitted. </span><br />
					        		<span clbad= NOELIA & nbspBARRAL GRIGERA

Mirá too

The Minister of Finance appeared before the Senate to defend the agreement with the IMF. Ratified the course. He said that there is no crisis and that there will be no tax on tourism abroad

Trade has thus become the second parity reopened so far this year. The first example was recorded 10 days ago with the negotiation of the bankers: the guild that leads Sergio Palazzo signed with Adeba, the chamber that brings together the private banks of the national capital, an additional increase of 5%, with which the 39; salary increase in activity at this month will reach a 24.43%.

The 25% parameter, which hated the government's intention to allow a revision scheme that raises the initial guideline from 15% to 20%, was spent in mid-June by Moyano for truckers . Last week, the food industry set a similar system and established a 25.5% increase to be applied in three installments with the inclusion of two revision clauses for inflation.

Like banking and trade, other activities provide for agreed increases early in the year. One of them is UTA ​​Roberto Fernandez who is already discussing with group owners and the Department of Transport an additional increase to bring the annual increase to 26%. A similar goal was also initiated by informal discussions with railway transport badociations, such as UF, La Fraternidad and Señaleros.

In turn, the construction guild of Gerardo Martínez and the authorities of the Camarco have already agreed to negotiate. rise more to add to the initial increase of 16.5%. In this case, it was expected that the additional improvement would also reach 10%, accumulating an increase of 26.5%.

The situation seems different among the agents of the national public administration who, represented by the UPCN, agreed a few weeks ago. a recomposition of 15% in three tranches. It is that, with its goal of reducing the public deficit, the National Executive refuses to discuss the possibility of granting an additional increase to its staff.

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