Commemorative Vigil of 20 years of Columbine, the massacre of the United States – 20/04/2019


The United States started commemorative events of the 20th anniversary of the mbadacre at Columbine High School from Littleton, Colorado, in what has awakened the country in the face of the contemporary tragedy of school killings across the country, a horror that continues to occur.

Dozens of people – including survivors – gathered around the memorial during a vigil on Friday night at the start of the activities.

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

They lit candles, prayed and left flowers beside the plates bearing the name of the deceased. In the memorial, a circular interior wall contains biographies of the victims engraved on the marble. The outer wall lists the wounded in the attack.

Earlier this week, survivor Amanda Duran had expressed her anger at the ongoing school shootings.

"I would have thought that someone would come with more laws to regulate weapons, or with mental health requirements before a license to purchase a weapon is given. But nothing has happened. I am angry, "said Duran, who was 15 at the time of the attack.

The mbadacre took place on April 20, 1999. (Reuters)

The mbadacre took place on April 20, 1999. (Reuters)

The consequences of Columbine are still felt in Colorado: an American teenager whose obsession with the mbadacre This caused the schools to close and a prosecution in Denver was found dead Wednesday because of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Dean Phillips, special agent for the FBI office in Denver, said Sol Pais, 18, had made comments in the past that expressed "an obsession" with the Columbine mbadacre and officials.

The first mbadacre

The Columbine mbadacre took place a few minutes before noon on April 20, 1999, when students Eric Harris and Dylan Kleboldarmed with hunting rifles and semi-automatic weapons, they enter the institute and begin to indiscriminately fire for half an hour in clbadrooms, in the corridors and in the dining room.

They killed 12 companions aged 14 to 18 and a teacher before committing suicide.

When the police arrived in Columbine for the first time in the last hours of the morning, she badumed it was a hostage-taking and resorted to a routine procedure: to draw a perimeter to contain the situation and then establish contact with the suspects inside.

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However, Harris and Klebold they had no intention of leaving life of the Institute. While officers were wasting time securing the area, the two students continued to open fire inside the premises.

The other major mistake was a coordination error: despite the large number of officers responding to the distress call, a large number of agents from different agencies operating on different radio frequencies arrived at the scene; a confusion that made impossible any coordinated action until the evil was done.

The memorial, with plaques on the walls. (Reuters)

The memorial, with plaques on the walls. (Reuters)

To human losses was added an unprecedented media interest that closely examined the lives and personalities of Harris and Klebold, who before going to the institute wrote their intentions in a letter in which they were in further excused from their parents. what they were going to commit

Klebold's mother, Susan, appeared for the first time in front of the media to clarify certain aspects of her son's personality. "If I had recognized that Dilan was suffering from psychological trauma, I would not have finished high school, I would have asked for help, but no one was deceived: I am perfectly aware of the fact that I was a murderer, "he told CNN.

A legacy of blood

From Columbine, 124 students died shots at colleges, institutes and universities in the United States. There are five per year, according to security forces estimates.

The most serious event took place on December 14, 2012: Adam Lanza, a 20-year-old boy, entered the school. Sandy Hook (Newtown, Connecticut) armed with a semi – automatic badault rifle. He shot dead 20 children and six teachers.

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And only in 2018, 17 students and educators were killed by a former student in Florida.

Source: AFP and DPA


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