Commercial war: China threatened the United States with "retaliation" if it imposes new tariffs


The Chinese government said on Thursday that it was "ready to defend its interests" as part of its trade dispute with the United States. The Asian giant threatened with "retaliation" if Washington finally decides to raise tariffs on goods imported from China from 10% to 25% as of this Friday.

Fao, spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, said: "China has the determination and ability to defend your interests, but he hopes that the United States will be able to make efforts to reach an agreement. "

Feng reiterated his opposition to the imposition of tariffs US President Donald Trump announced Sunday that "China will not succumb to any pressure."

For the past 10 months, China has been paying US tariffs of 25% on $ 50 billion of high-tech and 10% on $ 200 billion of other goods. These payments are partly responsible for our excellent economic results. The 10% will go up to 25% on Friday. 325 billion dollars ….

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 5, 2019

These statements are appended to a statement issued Wednesday evening in which the Ministry of the Asian country expressed "deep regret" for the measure and argued that if it were to enter into force this would provoke "necessary retaliation" by Beijing, without specifying which one.

"An escalation in commercial frictions it does not benefit both countries and the world, "they said in the official note.

The Chinese government announced Tuesday that, despite the new tariffs that Trump intends to impose on its products, his delegation, led by Deputy Prime Minister Liu He, will participate Thursday and Friday in the a new round of negotiations in Washington.

The Trump announcement blurred the negotiations and provoked a debacle on Chinese stock markets.

The US president warned at the end of last year that, if he did not reach an agreement with China before March 1, tariffs on imports of the Asian giant, amounting to $ 200,000 million, would increase from the current 10% to 10%.

However, he finally decided to extend the deadline to allow the two countries to negotiate a margin of negotiation since 1 December, at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires, Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping. they will agree on a truce to try to solve the tariff war.


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