Common currency between Argentina and Brazil: what is the plan


According to the businessman, "the idea is to achieve something stable for Argentina in normal times, it's like thinking of a euro in Latin America"

As part of the visit of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro to Argentina, he pbaded the plan that indicated that the Brazilian president and Mauricio Macri had begun to negotiate the creation of a common currency that would be called the "peso". real".

In this regard, the businessman in the automotive sector Cristiano Ratazzi revealed the details of the negotiation: "I think that Bolsonaro's visit to Argentina is very important and that we have talked a lot about the single currency, but there is still much to do but the idea is not to facilitate exchange, but Argentina needs to find a way to stabilize the weight it still lacks ".

In this line, Ratazzi explained that "the real is stable and that you can then create a solid Latin American currency, with the same weight in the world as the dollar and the euro and that this currency can help the Argentina to get out of it inflationary spiral ".

"Other Mercosur countries may join and the idea is interesting for Argentina because nobody invests in a local currency unless they give a 30% interest and this is not a good idea. is that for large professionals, small people save in dollars, stable for Argentina in normal times, it's like thinking of a euro in Latin America, "added the businessman.

On the other hand, Ratazzi spoke of the economic crisis: "All economists are surprised by inflation, the problem is that we live with so many years of inflation, subsidized and sustained prices over the years and when you want to release a budget surplus The subsidies – all that had to be done right away and not gradually and that was one of Macri's mistakes. "

Regarding the latest measures taken by the Macri government to try to boost consumption, including an advantage for those who buy cars at 0 km, Ratazzi said: "The local market – now that the program that has been launched is very strong – I hope that it will begin to move and move on to something more logical. Now it's bad, but not terribly bad"

Finally, he mentioned the October elections: "A second mandate from Macri is necessary, very important institutional restructurings of the country have been made, which will continue in time, must continue and can not be left to -path". "It would be awful to return to Ali Baba and the 40 robbers and that would lead us to Venezuela, we must continue with the transformations," he said, according to NA.

"I am convinced that if we win, the situation will improve, we are going through 90 years of disasters, we have to change many ways of thinking, in four years we have made a number of changes, but we have to go back to competitiveness. , to efficiency and productivity. "Ratazzi concluded.

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