Common currency: Dujovne ratifies the project and the Central Bank of Brazil ensures that the technical process has not started yet


Nicolás Dujovne, Minister of Finance of the Nation Source: LA NACION – Credit: Ricardo Pristupluk

Having taken note of the decision of the Governments of




move forward in creating
common currency, the "real peso" – information expected by
THE NATION– and after the repercussions generated by the news, the Minister of Finance of the Nation,

Nicolás Dujovne

, ratified the proposal today, while the Central Bank of Brazil clarified that the technical process had not started yet.



where he goes because he is part of the troika of the group of 20 (
G20), said Dujovne: "It's like that, it's a project we've been discussing for some time with my Brazilian counterpart, Paulo Guedes".

"We started talking a few months ago and for now, it's an idea we share, we share the vision that Argentina and Brazil need to integrate more, open up their economies further, between us and the rest of the world, "he said.
Miter radio.

Paulo Guedes, Minister of the Economy of Brazil
Paulo Guedes, Minister of the Economy of Brazil Source: archive

"As part of this process of political and economic integration [con Brasil]to converge a common currency would be a means of promoting greater stability and increased trade between the two countries, "Dujovne added.

"As part of this process of political and economic integration [con Brasil]to converge a common currency would be a means of promoting greater stability and increased trade between the two countries, "Dujovne added.

The minister argued that Argentina and Brazil "are exposed to the same external shocks", that they "depend a lot on exports" and that the peso and the real "have a fairly similar correlation with the events International ".

The toast at the reception of President Jair Bolsonaro, yesterday
The toast at the reception of President Jair Bolsonaro, yesterday Source: LA NACION – Credit: Silvana Colombo

The news of the draft common currency was announced yesterday. As expected
THE NATION, the plan is to go forward as soon as possible, although in Brazil, they focus first on the approval of pension reform.

In accordance with this timetable, the
The Central Bank of Brazil said today that the technical process has not started yet. "The Central Bank of Brazil has no plans or studies going on for a monetary union with Argentina," the bank said.

The body today issued a statement,
entitled "Clarification", in which he recognizes that there are "dialogues on macroeconomic stability, as well as debates on the reduction of risks and vulnerabilities and institutional strengthening", and describes this as something "natural" in the relationship between partners ".

This morning, just minutes from the end of his first official visit to Argentina, the Brazilian president,

Jair Bolsonaro

badured: "We have taken a first step to move forward in a single currency". As well
he said that they talked about the economy with the host president,

Mauricio Macri

and thanked "the Argentine people" for the treatment received. "With Argentina, we love each other!", He concluded shortly before taking the plane for the flight back to Brazil.

Bolsonaro, before returning to Brazil: "We have taken a first step to advance in a single currency"



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