Commotion for the death of Cordobans who were marching in Uruguay


The cities of Arias and Jovita are dismayed by the tragic deaths of two neighbors when a car was overturned last weekend in Uruguay.

The victims are Claudio Pascual de Marco, 55, and his daughter Thalía, 23 years old. The girl lived in Jovita, while the man lived in Arias.

Two other family members were injured and placed in a health center in the neighboring city of Rocha.

The tragedy occurred last Saturday, when members of the De Marco family traveled on Highway 9 aboard a Toyota Corolla car. The family was walking in the brother country.

According to the local press, citing police sources, everything happened Saturday at dawn.

For reasons that are trying to settle down, Claudio Pascual De Marco lost control of the car, so he went to the shoulder at full speed. Finally, he touched palm trees, police said.

Everything happened at kilometer 250 of Route 9, in the vicinity of Castillos, in the Uruguayan department of Rocha.

As a result of a violent road accident, the man and his daughter Thalia were seriously injured and died after a few minutes, official sources said.


In the same proportion, two other people had different injuries and were rescued by firefighters.

It is Clara Carraz Marco, 5, and Patricio González, 21, added the sources.

While both resulted in cuts and injuries, the girl was the one who suffered the most. She is now admitted to a private health center in Rocha.

In the place of the episode, were working members of the National Traffic Police, firemen, police uniforms of Castile and mobile units of medical emergency.

It is expected that the creature will be transferred to Argentina in the next few hours; as well as the mortal remains of the deceased.

The sinister road is under investigation and experts are trying to determine what happened. In this context, it is to determine if the accident is due to a high speed or carelessness, or if another car has finally been involved.

Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 02/11/2019 in our print edition.


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