Commotion in Spain: she had multiple sclerosis, she wanted to die and her husband poisoned her


"Do you still have the idea of ​​committing suicide? You know I have to help …" With this question, Angel Hernández Pardo begins the video in which he asks his wife María José Carrasco, former Secretary of Justice, he wants to die. She, terminally ill with multiple sclerosis, responds in the affirmative.

The disease has devastated part of Carrasco's vision, with his mobility and almost completely with his ability to speak for three decades. "We are 2 April 2019 and tomorrow I will prepare everything," said Hernández Pardo in the video, what he did.

Angel "lent his hands" to María José so that, with the help of a poison, they realize what his wife desired so much. He filmed everything to be documented.

After what happened, the Spanish justice arrested the husband and accused him of homicide. However, this Thursday, he was released after appearing before the judge and reopened the debate on euthanasia.

In her last years, María José had asked the Spanish Congress to approve a law on euthanasia.

In several Spanish regions, the right to a dignified death is regulated, allowing patients to refuse treatment that artificially prolongs their lives. María José Carrasco repeated "several times" to her husband his desire to die and the end of his suffering.


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