Companies do not plan to incorporate staff


It is about Survey of Employment Expectations (ENE)attended by more than 800 employers.

The ENE this is the result of subtracting the percentage of employers who plan to increase their endowments and the percentage that expects a decrease over the next quarter.

Hand of work explained that this result "represents an improvement of 4 percentage points over the values ​​of the previous quarter and a weakening of 6% compared to the same period of 2018."


"While the Net job expectancy reflects 0% of hiring prospects, we saw a slight improvement in our hiring intentions compared to the previous quarter's result, "said the vice-president of Hand of work, Fernando Podestá.

The executive said that "the four improvement points over the previous quarter are driven by Agriculture and fishing, Public administration and L & # 39; education and Transport and public services"


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According to the survey, for the second quarter of 2019, four of the nine industrial sectors badyzed present positive expectations: agriculture and fishing are the main activity of the survey, with an ENE 7%, followed by Public Administration and Education, and Transportation and Utilities (4%) and Construction (1%).

The sector of Wholesale and retail this is the one that informs the weakest intentions, with an ENE of -5%, followed by the manufacturing and services sectors, with a decrease of -1%.

Hiring plans

The consultant also explained that compared to the previous period, procurement plans are being strengthened in seven of the nine industry sectors: Transport and public services it is the fastest growing sector, with 14 percentage points above the previous value.

Wholesale and retail is the one that records the biggest decline, with 2% less.

In the next quarter, positive recruitment prospects are expected in two of the six regions: Cuyo is the one that reflects the highest intentions, with 14 percentage points, followed by Patagonia with 7.

NOA (North West) it is the region where expectations are the lowest, with an ENE of -8%.

In comparison with what happened during the same period of the previous year, Cuyo and Patagonia are the only regions to report improvements, with respectively 13 and 4 points, Hand of work


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