complaint against the pilots and conflict at the gate


The conflict goes beyond the specific episode: confronts the emblematic state enterprise of the Government for medical flights with the most powerful union in the activity and which has been a supporter of the Frente de Todos since the election campaign. In addition, the dispute is projected onto the rest of the aviation unions who negotiate jointly. So far, the company has offered an increase of 24% for the period from May to December plus a single amount equivalent to eleven percentage points of each worker’s salary. According to the company, several unions are in the process of signing under these conditions.

The presentation in front of the work was filed by Gregorio Borda, Head of Social Relations at ARSA. The company reported that last week, following the “Union mandates” APLA, a flight heading for Cordoba airport in the middle of a fog bank had to deviate because its pilot had expired his training in this type of landings for not having followed the practices rigorous in simulators. And they warned that if measures continue this month, there could be service disruptions due to the lack of commanders.

From the APLA, they not only rejected the administrative request, but also warned that in the event of compulsory conciliation, the union plans to ignore it and even promote a criminal complaint for “abuse of authority” against Minister Moroni. Near Pablo Biró, secretary general of the organization, they suspect that the flag line has chosen to push forward to discipline the rest of the aeronautical unions and thus reduce them to the salary proposal presented.

From the government of Mauricio Macri Almost all the trade unions of the activity met to discuss their common associations. The logic reached the APLA, Aviation Technicians (APTA), Counter Staff (APA) and Line Staff (UPSA), while AAA Airmen (Stewardesses and Crew) were left to their own devices, outside the block. Pilots are the vanguard of the union sector for salary discussions and disputes given the strategic role of pilots in the business. This factor reinforces the union’s theory regarding Aerolineas Argentinas because it understands that a handful of vaccines intended for pilots would be enough to settle the crisis.

Aerolineas Argentinas Sputnik V

In the company, for its part, they stress that there were procedures before the ministries of Health and Transport to obtain vaccines which have not yet received a response. And regarding parity in the flag line, they stressed that the wage offer is in line with other public sector negotiations such as that of state employees, who signed a 35% increase for this year via the UPCN. The full salary proposal involves an increase of 24% for eight months, a single lump sum equal to 11% of each salary and commitment to be reviewed in November.

The transport sector has so far been the most unruly when it comes to vaccines. Two 48-hour stops each of the port unions gave rise to a letter of commitment from four ministries (Health, Transport, Labor and Agriculture) according to which transport workers in general will have priority for vaccination once the process has been initiated with the populations at risk and other sectors defined by the regulations in force.

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