Concern about planes flying over the Mendoza skies early in the morning


Hundreds of Mendoza woke up this morning scared because they felt noisy plane noises flying in the skies of Mendoza. The sounds were so loud that many thought that something very serious had happened and they were expressing their concern on the social networks.

As it could be said The Andes, neighbors of Las Heras, Ciudad and Guaymallén heard the same thing. But what happened?

What happened was that in the 4th Air Brigade (located in the Lasherina town of El Plumerillo, next to the airport) was regularly doing exercises and exercises, "The A4 aircraft of the Air Brigade V Brigade of Villa Reynolds in San Luis were doing early morning training exercises," spokesmen for the IV Brigade told Los Andes. Aerea of ​​ Mendoza .

The authorities have indicated that nothing serious has happened and that everything is part of their routine.

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