Concern: China ‘sowing clouds’ to change climate – News


The goal of the plan announced by the Chinese State Council last year is to cover an area of ​​5.5 million square kilometers with rain or artificial snow, and the hail prevention zone to reach more than 580 thousand square kilometers.

As a result, they seek to achieve “global advanced level” by 2035 as well as top ranks in “prevention of security risks”.

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From the government, they assure that The program will also be used for disaster relief, agricultural production, forest and grassland fires and drought control.

According to the official Xinhua news agency, a maiden flight has already been launched as part of this project with an airplane “capable of making rain”:

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“Many countries use this technology (Cloud Seeding). China has been using it for a long time, India has used it as well, in sub-Saharan Africa and in the northeast of the continent as well, where droughts are very problematic. Or Australia, for example, ”Dhanasree Jayaram, climate specialist at the Manipal Academy of Higher Education in Karnataka, said in press releases.

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The procedure involves spraying the clouds with substances such as silver iodide, in an attempt to produce precipitation. According to John C. Moore, chief scientist in the Faculty of Earth System Sciences and Global Change at Peking University, “There are very few scientific articles written on its effectiveness”.

Neighboring countries fear China’s use of the project: “one of the main fears is that China is applying the technology in a massive way, and if it will have an impact on the summer monsoon phenomenon in India, for example, ”said the expert from the Manipal Academy of Higher Education in Karnataka, India.


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