concern is growing in Bahia


Concern is growing among the Bahias who at the time received the first dose of the Russian vaccine Sputnik V and who for several days have been calling for the arrival of the second component to complete the vaccination schedule against the coronavirus.

Solicitations and expressions of anger are a constant both on social networks and in the media, since for many people the three months provided for in the vaccination calendar to apply the second dose have already passed. If the health authorities do not tire of repeating that the vaccination has no expiry date, the agitation of part of the population is growing by leaps and bounds over the days.

In addition, many point out that they have stopped giving other vaccines, such as the flu or the one that prevents pneumonia, while waiting for a lag which, for now, seems to continue to lengthen.

Are you canceling the arrival of Sputnik V vaccines in the country?

“It has been almost four months since my husband took the first dose; he is 73 years old and we can see that other people of the same age, or younger, have already received him ”, said Patricia this morning, by“LU2“- It’s been a long time. I’m distraught.” Messages of this type are constantly received on the radios and on the Internet site of this newspaper.

In the networks, Internet users have also downloaded

“I still don’t understand the subject of vaccines. I’m happy with the huge progress, but I have my old man – over 60, with co-morbidities – still without a second dose,” Fernanda Herrera, a graduate psychologist from Bahia, said on Twitter.

The state is asking people to be patient and to remember that the vaccination is not over, although many infectious scientists agree that it loses a percentage of effectiveness against the virus over time. A few days ago, the Minister of Health of the Nation, Carla Vizzotti, declared that it was necessary to increase the speed of vaccination between one dose and another, establishing four weeks for Sinopharm and no more than eight weeks for Sputnik and AstraZeneca.

In the last hours, moreover, the specialist journalist Nora Bär confirmed on Twitter the arrival of two batches (of about a thousand liters in total) of component for the second dose of Sputnik in our country, at the plant of the Richmond company. This volume would make it possible to manufacture more than 1.6 million to distribute throughout the country.

“From now on,” he explained, “only component 2 (will come).”

According to figures from the National Vaccination Monitor, in our country, there are today nearly 22.9 million people vaccinated with a first dose – of one of the vaccines currently in circulation -, while only 5.79 million have completed the full schedule, although it is not clear with which vaccines. In Bahía Blanca, meanwhile, this clarification is not provided either, although the percentage is worrying: compared to the total population, only about 13% obtained both doses.

A month ago, both here and in the rest of the area, a logistical error ended up canceling many trips for the second dose of the Russian vaccine. Weeks later, when the problem was corrected, these people were finally able to receive their dose and others continued to be vaccinated.

Beyond that question, it looks like this is an agonizing problem, request and complaint, which will not get a satisfactory answer quickly.


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