Concern over a new variant of the coronavirus …


At least 16 cases of a a new variant of the coronavirus has been identified in the United Kingdom, as announced by the UK Department of Health. Experts suspect that the variant, which is currently under investigation, originated in the UK and contains the E484K mutation present in new strains that have emerged in South Africa and Brazil.

In the case of the E484K mutation, studies have shown that may interfere with the action of antibodies, raise concerns about a possible impact on vaccine effectiveness.

Health officials have reported that cases were first detected on February 15, but they have confirmed that all those who have tested positive and their contacts are isolated.

The UK now has Eight variations on your watchlist.

Meanwhile, health officials continue to try to locate a person who arrived in England infected with the new variant of the coronavirus identified in Brazil, but did not leave their data during the test.

The strain, named P.1 and also known as variant of Manaus, is one of those that cause concern to make the virus potentially more transmissible. The Manaus variant was first detected in the UK last weekend when six cases were diagnosed.

Three of them are Scottish residents who traveled from Brazil to Aberdeen via Paris and London, while two other people, who have also passed through this country, are members of the same family and live in the district of South Gloucestershire, England.

The third case also identified in England is the one which is still being located.

Andrew Hayward, member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage), warned that society will have to live with a considerable death rate from the coronavirus, but this will return to normal as more and more people get vaccinated.

Speaking to Times Radio, the scientist said he didn’t believe the new variants completely bypassed vaccine-related immunity, and that mortality rates will be reduced.

For the scientist, who is also a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at University College London, also known as UCL, one of the reasons there have been so many deaths is that restrictive measures were taken too late.

“By the time you started to see a significant increase in deaths it was too late to act and therefore the levels rose dramatically before we took effective action and it took a very long time for them to drop again” , he explained.

During, 20,982,571 people have already been vaccinated across the UK, after another 278,956, a first dose was received yesterday.

El Gobierno británico pidió a los que ya se vacunaron que continúen respetando las reglas de distanciamiento social y los cuidados de higiene, luego que una encuesta reveló que el 43% de las personas mayores de 80 años dijeron que se habían reunido con alguien fuera de su hearth.

And 41% admitted to doing so within three weeks of receiving their first dose, “apparently in violation of quarantine regulations.”

The government on Thursday reported 242 additional coronavirus-related deaths and 6,573 new cases in the past 24 hours. Since the start of the pandemic, a total of 124,025 people have died in the UK.


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