Confirm that doing exercises makes us happier than money – 22/04/2019


This exercise is good for physical and mental health, nobody talks about it. That the practice of physical activity is badociated with lower mortality and lower risk of cardiovascular disease, neurovascular accidents or diabetes, and also improves mood. But to make exercise more determinant than money to feel good, or that our happiness depends more on our physical behavior than our current account is long.

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Well, that's precisely what they claim to have discovered a team of researchers from prestigious universities of Yale and Oxford after collecting and badyzing data on physical behavior and moodand 1.2 million Americans.

After looking at the type of exercise, its duration, frequency, and intensity, researchers at Oxford and Yale conclude that the benefits to mental health are greater when playing popular group sports, which involve a lot of socialization. followed by cycling, aerobics and sports. from the gym and also when there are 45-minute activity sessions and between three and five times a week.

For this research, published in the British medical journal The Lancet, researchers compared the number of days of "poor mental health" reported by participants according to the exercise or not, after equalizing the two groups in terms of # 39; age. race, bad, marital status, income, education level, body mbad index, physical health status and possible previous depression diagnoses.

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And the bottom line is that how many times did you feel mentally ill because of stress, depression or emotional problems, for example? people who exercised regularly responded that about 35 days a year, while non-active participants, on average, They reported feeling bad for another 18 days.

People who exercised regularly responded that about 35 days a year, while non-active participants reported on average that they felt bad 18 days more.

People who exercised regularly responded that about 35 days a year, while non-active participants reported on average that they felt bad 18 days more.

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Good life | Discover the latest news to take care of your health and feel good. "Src ="

Good life | Meet the latest people to take care of your health and feel good.

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Participants were also asked about their income and the type of physical activity they were doing,or choose between 75 different exercise typesAmong those who would mow the lawn, take care of children or do housework, lift weights, ride a bike or run.

And the results show that "All types of exercise were badociated with a lower burden of mental health"The one presented by sedentary people with the same physical and socio-demographic characteristics.

The researchers compared the degree of well-being reported by people based on their income and found that physically active people feel as good as those who do not play sports but earn about $ 25,000 (just over 22,000 euros) more per year.

However, after examining the type of exercise, its duration, frequency, and intensity, the Oxford and Yale researchers concluded thatThe benefits to mental health are greater when practicing popular team sports, which involve a lot of socialization, followed by cycling, aerobics and gymnastics, as well as when there are 45 minutes of activity sessions and between three and five times a week.

On the other hand, the researchers compared the degree of well-being reported by people according to their income and discovered that physically active people feel as good as those who do not play sports but earn about $ 25,000 (a little more than 22,000 euros) more per year. Or what is the same thing, as those who charge about 1800 euros more per month than them.

Physically active people feel as good as those who do not play sports but earn about $ 25,000 (over $ 22,000) more per year

Physically active people feel as good as those who do not play sports but earn about $ 25,000 (over $ 22,000) more per year

But beyond knowing whether it has more or less impact on our happiness than to earn more or less money, we do not question more about the many beneficial effects of exercise on mental health. Various studies have shown that it relieves stress and that about thirty minutes after doing so, physical exercise decreased anxiety due to various physiological activations. And we consider that its effect "sedative" lasts about four hours.

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And this is true because of the endorphins secreted by the brain during and after physical exercise, which are thethey bring you into a state of greater happiness and emotional well-beingl. In addition, when we play sports, we also increase the production of norepinephrine, which helps to moderate the response of our brain to stressful situations.

There is no question about the many beneficial effects of exercise on mental health.

There is no question about the many beneficial effects of exercise on mental health.

On the other hand, and in accordance with what this new research from Oxford and Yale found, practicing exercises in business, whether through team sports or day-to-day activities in a gym, improves social relationshipsnot only because new contacts are established, but also because the perception of oneself changes, improves self-esteem and projects a feeling of admiration that fosters relationships.

In addition, Physical activity is related to lower cognitive impairment and better memory function, concentration and therefore productivity, as well as minor sleep disorders.

Staying physically active is linked to less cognitive impairment and better memory functioning

Staying physically active is linked to less cognitive impairment and better memory functioning

Source: The Vanguardia



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