Confirm the end of roaming between Argentina and Chile by May 2020


The announcement has been confirmed by Chilean President Sebastián Piñera and will allow mobile phone users from both countries to make calls and use the internet from their lines at local prices.

After being announced and jointly evaluated in recent years, mobile phone users in Argentina and Chile will be able to make voice calls


of their

cell phones

without having to worry about extra supplements when they cross the border. Confirmation of the end of homelessness, which will come into force from May 2020, was announced by the Chilean President

Sebastián Piñera

in your official Instagram account after
meeting with Prosur that he had with his Argentinean counterpart

Mauricio Macri


"With President Mauricio Macri, we celebrated the approval of the trade agreement between Chile and Argentina which has many benefits for all. One of the most important is the If you travel to Argentina, you will be able to occupy your project Cellular calls and data at no additional cost and similarly for Argentineans traveling to Chile, less fees and more facilities for everything the world! "said the president of Trans-Andean in the publication
in his Instagram profile.

The end of homelessness is an initiative that Argentina and Chile began to evaluate in October 2017 after the signing of a bilateral trade agreement between the two countries.
piloted by Michelle Bachelet and Mauricio Macri. The following year, the National Communication Agency (Enacom) announced its intention to implement the measure
at one point in 2019, and which has now been reconfirmed by Piñera for May 2020 after the signing of the trade agreement signed between the two countries.

Roaming is the
the use of cellular telephone service abroad, which usually entails additional cost in establishing communications and Internet access.


in networks other than the local operator. At the time, the costs were high, but in recent years, Argentinian customers have started to have a varied offer of automatic roaming plans with neighboring countries and the rest of America included in their subscription, a modality that allows calls to be made, using text messages and Internet data with local price.

As a precedent, the European Union has eliminated roaming among its member countries
since mid 2017


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