Confirmation of Cristina Kirchner's prosecution for historical documents found at her home – Telam


The Federal Court of Buenos Aires has confirmed the prosecution of former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner following the discovery of two historical documents, respectively linked to José de San Martín and former President Hipólito Yrigoyen, at his home in El Calafate, a city of the same name, during a raid.

The documents found at the senator and former president are a letter from José de San Martín to his friend and Bernardo O. Higgins, written in Paris during his exile on December 26, 1835; and a disc of Hipólito Yrigoyen, with its activities from 1906 to 1910.

For Judges Martín Iruruzun and Leopoldo Bruglia, the former president committed the crime of "breach of duty of a public official" for failing to report his possession in the General Archives of the nation.


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