Confirmed: Facebook listens to your Messenger conversations


Today, it has been confirmed what until now was an open secret: Facebook was spying on users' conversations.

Mark Zuckerberg's company hired a group of people to listen to and transcribe the audios that users send via Messenger.

In a report by Bloomberg, the managers of this work stated that, in the performance of their duties, they were not informed of where they had obtained the recordings nor of the way in which they had obtained the recordings. Their task was simply to transcribe audio recordings and messages. Facebook never explained why they wanted these transcripts or for what purpose.

According to the workers, they absolutely listened to everything that was said in Messenger, from obscenities to illegal things. Facebook acknowledged that this practice is true and added that "like Apple and Google, they interrupted human listening more than a week ago". Facebook is also the owner of WhatsApp and Instagram.

Facebook said the hired people were working to check if "artificial intelligence correctly interprets the messages", which is very hard to believe if we take into account every case of breach of the in which Zuckerberg is involved. .

It must be remembered that, a few months ago, Mark Zuckerberg had declared in front of the US Congress that it was a "conspiracy theory" to say that from his company they were listening to the mobile phone's microphone users and were baderting that it was a practice that not his company. do not perform.


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