Confirmed meeting: Trump and Fernández only need the date


The elected president, Alberto Fernandez, you already have on your agenda a meeting with the American president, Donald Trump, although still undated, is evaluating a possible trip to Texas, one of the world's centers of the oil industry, to probe investments in Dead cow.

A day after Trump's call to Fernandez to congratulate him on his electoral victory, spokesmen for the future president confirmed to the news agency N / A who have already begun to think of a possible bilateral meeting after taking charge on December 10, but still without a specific date.

However, they pointed out that it was possible that before seeing Trump at the White House, Fernandez traveled to the city of Houston, in the state of Texas, for a topic related to Vaca Muerta .

Although they did not specify the specific problem that would motivate this trip, the Fernández environment transcended for several months the importance that the president elect attaches to this oil and gas field. , compared to Argentina's finances in its future government. .

The idea of ​​promoting greater investment in Vaca Muerta to increase exports and thus increase Argentina's dollar receipts is no secret, and the city of Houston, where one of the largest oil industries in the world, could play a leading role. plan.

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Last Friday, five days after the presidential election, Fernández received the appeal of Trump, who after congratulating him, said: "You will do a fantastic job. I hope to meet you immediately. His victory has been commented around the world.

For its part, Fernández has indicated its intention to maintain "a mature and cordial relationship" with the United States around "many common problems, in the context of a complex situation in which Argentina has need help ".

A few hours later, the White House issued a statement with more details on the interview and said that "the two leaders discussed the strong bilateral relationship between the United States and Argentina, as well as that deep links between countries and their citizens ".

"President Trump has expressed the wish of the United States to continue positive bilateral cooperation, particularly with regard to issues such as security, democracy and economic development, and also expressed its support to the United States for help the country overcome the economic challenges. "he added.



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