confirmed three cases of the Delta variant in Rosario


“We know this variant is very contagious. Vaccination will help us better prepare for the Delta variant. In addition, our teams continue to carry out epidemiological follow-ups not only of regular patients but also of travelers returning from abroad and are attentive to any other strategy to avoid new infections ”, underlined Silvia Marmiroli, Undersecretary of Public Health, who also stressed the importance of complying with all protocols to prevent the spread of the virus.

The population is reminded that, to avoid the introduction and spread of this new variant, all travelers from abroad must present themselves in the country with a PCR test carried out 72 hours before travel.

>> Read more: The first case of the Delta variant was detected in Cordoba: the carrier infected 14 people

Una vez en el país, se les realiza nuevamente la prueba en Ezeiza, y en caso de arrojar un resultado negativo, deberá cumplir el aislamiento estricto (sin contacto con personas que no hayan viajado) en su domicilio u otro lugar destinado para el mismo durante 7 days.

During this period, they will be monitored for symptoms and a new PCR test will be performed, which may complete the isolation if it is negative.

“Although we do comprehensive patient follow-ups, we continue to emphasize care. We have a large percentage of the population vaccinated with the first dose and another with the second dose, which is extremely important because we have noticed a decrease in indicators, in the number of infections, in hospitalizations and also in the severity of patients. ”Said Marmiroli. .

“Although with the vaccine applied, there may be contagion of the disease, the vaccine protects us against serious situations. This is why it is essential to maintain all care, the use of a mask, distance, hand washing and ventilation, among other things to avoid contagion ”, concluded the Under Secretary of Public Health. .

>> Read more: Covid: alert for cases of Delta variant in three parts of the country

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