confirms that there is a young Argentinian among the dead


An Argentinian is among the victims of a stampede during a Jewish pilgrimage to northern Israel, which caused at least 45 dead and 150 injured. The Argentine Embassy in Israel confirmed to Clarín that Daniel Embón, 21, died in the tragic incidents.

As reported by the Jewish News Agency (AJN), on Friday a WhatsApp group of Argentinian parents was formed that began the desperate and frantic search for Orthodox students in Israel to find out where they were and the situation. , and death was confirmed. of Avraham Daniel Embon, a young Argentinian student.

Rabbi Shlomo Barnatán, in dialogue with AJN of Israel, said that Lag BaOmer is a massive and highly anticipated event in the religious sense of the term. there are a lot of foreigners who participated in the celebration, and among them there were also Argentines.

Rabbi Eliahu Hamra confirmed to AJN that Avraham Daniel Embon was a young student of the Yeshiva Heichal Yitzhak in the Kiryat Yuval neighborhood run by Rabbi Lando, and was identified by relatives at the Abu Kabir Institute of Forensic Medicine. The date of his funeral has not yet been set.

The stampede

The stampede at the religious celebration was described by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as “a terrible mess“, because the information came from Mount Meron.

The emergency services of the Magen David Adom (MDA, equivalent to the Red Cross), initially confirmed 44 deaths, but hours later the figure rose to 45, including five children under the age of 16.

v 1.5

Meron, Israel

Several dozen dead in a rush of Jewish pilgrims

Infographics: Bugle

More than a hundred injured were transferred to hospitals after being treated by paramedics, and the process of identification of fatal victimssaid Shabtai Garbatchik, a spokesperson for the local police.

Despite the tragedy, thousands of people remained at the scene for several hours and hundreds insisted on continuing their festive prayers, ignoring evacuation orders.

Israeli emergency service MDA moved to the scene six helicopters and dozens of ambulances evacuate those affected to health centers in Jerusalem, Safed and Nahariya, among others.

Early reports indicated that an exhibitor booth had given way and collapsed during one of the concerts, during which a few hundred thousand people. But then it was reported that the stampede broke out as people slipped from one of the bleachers.

The tragedy occurred at night by a scramble on the Jewish religious holiday of Lag Baomer.  / Reuters

The tragedy occurred at night by a scramble on the Jewish religious holiday of Lag Baomer. / Reuters

Tragedy in Israel, dozens of dead by giant stampede on pilgrimage

the rescue service explained that the tragedy came from overcrowding and “severe overcrowding”.

An Israeli police official explained that dozens of concert attendees were they would have “slipped”, falling on those below of them in the stands and thus causing a domino “crushing” effect.

The desperate situation would have added to the rush of people.

Witnesses said people were dragged, pushed and literally flew through the air, pushed by the tide of humans who sought to flee the scene.

For its part, Israeli army, who sent his rescue team, provided the version that the incident caused chaos collapsed roof.

Thousands of people celebrated the Jewish holiday of Lag Baomer in the town of Meron, and previous videos on social media showed people singing, dancing and praying.

The event, without a doubt, was most populous in Israel since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

Baomer Lag Festival

Tens of thousands of people took part in the Thursday evening annual pilgrimage which will take place until this Friday in northern Israel, during the country’s largest public event since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The pilgrimage, which celebrated the Jewish holiday of Lag Baomer, took place in Meron.

It happened around the grave of rabbi Shimon Bar Yojai, a 2nd century Talmudist credited with writing the Zohar, a central work of Jewish mysticism.

Lag Baomer is a joyous holiday that commemorates the end of a devastating epidemic among the pupils of a Talmudic school at that time.

The authorities had allowed the presence of 10 thousand people in the room from the grave, but organizers say more than 650 buses have been chartered across the country, representing at least 30,000 people. The local press estimated the influx of 100,000 people.

But after midnight Israeli time, the steps sank, which caused panic and a deadly rush of people.

Emergency calls to first responders led to the deployment of helicopters to evacuate the injured.

The Israeli press showed the crude image of a dozen inert bodies lined up in bags plastic, surrounded by lifeguards on an asphalt track.

What was presupposed a celebration quickly turned into a tragedy this still generates confusion about its origin.

Drafting of Clarin, Ezequiel report by Alippe and AJN information



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