Conflict in the Middle East: Joe Biden spoke with Net …


The president of the United States, Joe Biden, spoke this Monday with the first Israeli Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and said that supports a ceasefire in bloody attacks between Israelis and Palestinians, even if he refrained from openly demanding a truce.

During the telephone conversation with Netanyahu, “the president expressed support for a ceasefire and discussed the United States’ engagement with Egypt and other partners to that end,” such as reported the White House.

Despite this seemingly pacifist stance, Biden has so far resisted joining with other world leaders and much of his own Democratic Party in calling for an immediate ceasefire in Israel.

In a statement, the White House said that The president reiterated what has been his main message so far: “His strong support for Israel’s right to defend itself against indiscriminate rocket attacks.” The US president “encouraged Israel to do everything possible to ensure the protection of innocent civilians,” the letter said.

In the same vein, the White House refrained from condemning any aspect of the ongoing Israeli military strikes, claiming that the United States’ close ally you have the right to respond with force to rocket fire from the Palestinian Hamas movement, that reigns in the Gaza Strip.

Sale of weapons

In this context, the newspaper Washington post let it be known that the United States Government approved the sale of arms to Israel for a value of $ 735 million, amid escalating tensions between Israeli forces and Palestinian militias in the Gaza Strip.

The deal, which would involve the delivery of precision weapons to the Israeli government, was notified by the Joe Biden administration to Congress on May 5, according to various sources consulted by the aforementioned newspaper. In other words, it took almost a week before the crossing of attacks on both sides of the Gaza border began.

The Joe Biden administration is required to notify the legislature of this type of deal, and he usually doesn’t come out until Congress gives him an informal green light. After notification, lawmakers have 20 days to raise objections.

In this direction, several members of Congress have already expressed their embarrassment at this stage, even though the American political class has always been pro-Israel and it delivered virtually common messages on both sides of the political spectrum, both Democrat and Republican.


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