Conflict in Venezuela: Nicolás Maduro demonstrates military power and marches in Caracas at the head of thousands of soldiers – 05/02/2019


In a military muscle demonstration exercise, Nicolás Maduro he's woken up Thursday morning to Venezuelans with a march of thousands of members of the Bolivarian national armed forces (FANB), which he directed by Caracas.

Nicolás Maduro poses with soldiers on a military base in Caracas. / Reuters

Nicolás Maduro poses with soldiers on a military base in Caracas. / Reuters

"The time has come to fight and to give the example to the world and say that in Venezuela, there is a coherent, loyal and consistent FAN (National Armed Forces), which triumphs coup plotters sold in Washington ", said Maduro, who asked the officers" to disarm any traitor and golpista ".

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Dressed in military uniform, on foot and in front of a column of 4,500 men, Maduro tried Thursday to clarify the support he enjoys in the military establishment after the alleged coup attempt of which he accuses the leader of the opposition, Juan Guaidó, and the mbadive opposition march this Wednesday.

Maduro appealed to the FANB for cohesion and union around the Venezuelan Constitution, peace and democracy. The ceremony was broadcast live on the social network Twitter.

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Maduro spoke to the officers. And he said that during a "skirmish of coup d'etat" led by "traitors" two days ago, the rebels "took out the machine guns, not to defend the homeland, but to point them against the Venezuelan army and against the people ".

He also badured that "80% of the officers and soldiers present (at the events of April 30) left them alone, they withdrew" because "they realized that they had been deceived".

Maduro and the Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino, parade in front of a column of soldiers in Caracas. / Reuters

Maduro and the Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino, parade in front of a column of soldiers in Caracas. / Reuters

"Something positive came out on the wrong side: loyalty, in the middle of a fight, was not afraid to say" no "to the traitors," no "to the putschists," he added.

The Minister of Defense Vladimir Padrino López also took the floor. "They claim to buy us as if we were mercenaries, they intend to break with the most sacred military honor."

"They will not succeed !!", he concluded.

The march left Fort Tiuna, Caracas, with Maduro and Padrino. Y More than 4,500 members of the FANB participated.

Maduro speaks to the troops in Caracas (Venezuela). EFE

Maduro speaks to the troops in Caracas (Venezuela). EFE

The purpose of the march was to ratify the FANB's loyalty to the country, the Constitution, democracy and the defense of peace, as well as the recognition of Maduro as the country's president and commander-in-chief of the country. force, according to the statement. authorities.

This show of force comes after Guaidó badured Tuesday that He had the support of a good part of the army after announcing the start of the so-called Operation Freedom to end the "usurpation" of power by Maduro.

Source: DPA / Europa Press


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