Conflict in Venezuela: raid and theft in the house of the opposition Leopoldo López – 01/05/2019


The house of Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo López, who has been at the Spanish embbady since Tuesday, was searched and ransacked by a group of foreigners, whom various witnesses identified as members of the National Intelligence Service of Bolivia (SEBIN).

Lopez and his wife, Lilian Tintori, were informed Wednesday night of what had happened, while they had 24 hours of stay at the Spanish diplomatic headquarters. Until now, they are still there as "guests" because they did not ask for political asylum.

The destruction in the house of Leopoldo López. (EFE)

The destruction in the house of Leopoldo López. (EFE)

"He was the sebin, the SEBIN of the wicked because there are patriots sebins who want the freedom of Venezuela, "Tintori denounced at the Spanish news agency EFE, while he entered his home to observe the destruction.

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In a first badessment, the wife of Leopoldo López stated that "they had been stolen televisions, sound system, all devices (electronics) and computers. "But thieves did not just take technology:" teapots (bottles) of my daughter Federica and the milk that I had saved"he added.

Another view of the house of Leopoldo López, looted and stolen by suspected members of SEBIN. (EFE)

Another view of the house of Leopoldo López, looted and stolen by suspected members of SEBIN. (EFE)

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

The foreigners they threw all the books on the floor They were in the library, as well as kitchen items, clothes, toys and even family photographs. "I have not checked my room yet, but he is destroyedI do not know what they earn with that because on May 1, people went out on the street. people want a change and a change comes: the usurpation is going to stop, "he badyzed.

According to Tintori, "Maduro sent thieves" enter his house because "he is a thief, a corrupt, a dictator, a person who has destroyed a country that is hungry" and lives "the worst crisis in history".

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Even, he reported, there was "SEBIN patrol around" the houseWhat? they followed when he left the residence of the ambbadador of Spain to observe in person the destruction.

Asked about López's situation, she said that the political leader had been released thanks to "a constitutional document that exists and is signed "by Guaidó." They are presidential pardon. Leopoldo did not leave illegally, he left constitutionally, "he said.

Lilian Tintori observes the destruction in her house, a descent and a flight by suspected members of SEBIN. (EFE)

Lilian Tintori observes the destruction in her house, a descent and a flight by suspected members of SEBIN. (EFE)

"He left after five years of unjust imprisonment and is sure that this dictatorship will end, confident that there are more patriots than corrupt, more Venezuelans who love the land than Venezuelans who simply want to continue to destroy it, "he added.

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López, who was under house arrest, was released Tuesday at dawn by a group of military and SEBIN officials who they had joined the president of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, recognized by 54 countries as interim president.

Leopoldo López, accompanied by Juan Guaidó, was released Tuesday from his house arrest.

Leopoldo López, accompanied by Juan Guaidó, was released Tuesday from his house arrest.

With Guaidó, he participated in a military uprising with about 40 soldiers who went to the base of La Carlota in Caracas, who came back to light the fuse of the opposition protests in Venezuela.



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