Conflict in Venezuela: They shot dead a 27-year-old girl and there are already two deadly victims – 01/05/2019


The young Jurubith Rausseo García died Wednesday in protests in Venezuela, reported the Observatory of Conflicts (OVCS), which brings to two the number of people killed by the new wave of anti-government protests in the country.

Juan Guaidó

Juan Guaidó

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"We condemn the murder of young Jurubith Rausseo García (27) shot in the head during a demonstration in Altamira (Caracas), "said the NGO on his Twitter account.

Juan Guaidó tweeted a few minutes later: "I promise to kill in the operation room of Jurubith Rausseo, who is only 27 years old, despite those who decided to shoot against a people that has decided to be free. "

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Since Guaidó's call to the military uprising, there have already been two dead and at least 130 wounded. The other case is that of Enrique Méndez (24 years old).

Guaidó reappeared, leading the big anti-government demonstration and redoubling the campaign against the Maduro government, which he calls "usurper". The ruling party also mobilized and realized a considerable number in front of the Miraflores Palace.

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Nicolás Maduro, meanwhile, reappeared Wednesday during a mbadive act organized for Labor Day and directed against the Venezuelan opposition led by Juan Guaidó and the United States government for considering they wanted a "civil war" in the country. In addition, he raised the tone of his warnings.

"I will not prevent, when justice orders it, to put behind the persons responsible for this coup d'etat", badured Maduro around the Miraflores presidential palace.

Twenty-seven soldiers sought asylum at the Brazilian Embbady, ​​while opposition leader Leopoldo López, fled to Spain with his family after leaving prison of the House.


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