Conflict in Venezuela: "We are all exposed to being imprisoned or killed," said Guaidó – 03/05/2019


Juan Guaidó, president in charge of Venezuela, again directed a harangue so that all the inhabitants of his country go down in the streets to repudiate the regime of Nicolás Maduro, to whom He has accused the murder of 271 people in recent months.

"We are all exposed to being imprisoned or killed. but we are doing well for the country. We will not allow our children to live this way, "he said.

"The Libertad operation is a success, that's why free the paramilitaries to shoot our youth"Said the opposition leader, referring to the death of 4 people in recent days in the conflicts unleashed after the liberation of Leopoldo López, now a refugee at the Spanish Embbady in Caracas.

The second vice-president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, the deputy Stalin González (right), made a statement with the president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó (EFE).

The second vice-president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, the deputy Stalin González (right), made a statement with the president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó (EFE).

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At a press conference, Guaidó was brutal and again invited the army "unhappy"To join them against the Chavez government."There are 271 murdered, 271 children's dreams, nephews, mothers, fathers … murdered simply for protesting, while Maduro is sitting and performing duties, "he said.

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Guaidó called the Bolivarian leader "the usurper" and accused him of being the culprit of "A silent genocide that puts 7 million Venezuelans on the verge of death".

"We will talk with all those who are willing to work together and we will issue a proclamation to the Armed Forces so that they can hear that a democratic transition is possible," he continued and maintained his commitment. to declare a amnesty for the military to join their movement.

The president in charge of Venezuela was optimistic, although Maduro remains firmly in power with most of the military on his side.

"I know that for many it's late, for the sick who do not have drugs, but as long as we stay together in the street, as long as we apply a non-violent discipline", there is a chance of transition peaceful, he said.

The Guaidó conference. (EFE)

The Guaidó conference. (EFE)

"We are doing everything to take possession calmly and clearly, in accordance with the rule of law, we are asking for skills in the executive, we are proceeding, we have never been so close, we're outnumbered in 2015, when we were already in the majority, "J adds.

For Guaidó, the opposition has "total international support" and said "the taboo of the armed forces was broken".

"They will try to generate violence and separate us, to generate fear.From January, we said:" We will talk to everyone "and we keep it" and said that Maduro no longer ruled the country.

"The usurper does not rule, he has no command, it is obvious that he has not solved the problems because he has no command in the armed forces, as the disaster continues, there is an alternative, "he said.

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Guaidó said that during these hours the country was discussing its future and so much more. "Venezuela is debate between life or deaththey represent the death of malnourished children, of our future, of women who seek to feed their families, of desperate parents who see how to take food home, of insecurity and we know that life always wins and we will certainly achieve it. "


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