Conflict in Venezuela: why generals and colonels are next to Maduro – 30/04/2019


April 30 at noon in Venezuela it was already clear that there was no ongoing military rebellion on a large scale, which could seriously threaten the supreme power of Nicolás Maduro and Chavismo's upper management.

There was another demonstration of ordinary citizens who constantly came down the streets with every call to protest against a Teflon regime that clung to power, at the heart of the worst economic tragedy experienced by a US country in peacetime. and in the absence of natural disasters.

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Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

The day had started at dawn, with alerts on WhatsApp networks announcing that an important announcement was expected. Juan Guaidó, Speaker of Parliament recognized by the governments of some 60 countries as interim President of Venezuela until the holding of free elections.

But Guaidó was not alone. I accompanied him Leopoldo Lopez, Venezuela's most famous political prisoner, who was serving a 13-year sentence for sedition and terrorism, had been released from house arrest since July 2017.

The real news would be the departure of Lopez, watched by the fear of the political police Sebin. Obviously, someone let him escape, which reveals fractures in Chavez's intelligence services.

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In addition, they were with them a handful of soldiers of the National Guard of Iron, dressed in fajina, armed. They appeared as trellises of the two civilians who control Chavismo.

At the beginning of the day, Guaidó's information services were very competent. persuade that a video showing the two leaders of the beleaguered Popular Voluntad Popular Party had been shot inside the Francisco de Miranda base in La Carlota, where operates the supreme command of the army of 39; Venezuelan air, one of the best equipped in Latin America.

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But the support of Guaidó and López proved to be limited to the handful of soldiers of the National Guard. There was no superior officer, let alone a general endowed with firepower. The group was in the famous Altamira distributor, in front of the military base.

Protesters could not enter the military base. A small subsequent march, led by Guaidó and López, was immediately repressed and dispersed.

The situation for a few hours caught the attention of the whole world and some people bet that the uprising would flourish. But the balance is another desperate call from Guaidó to the senior military hierarchy to end Maduro's second term, which began on January 9, when he was sworn in for another six years.

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This government was born of elections to which the traditional leaders of the opposition, or major parties, were not allowed to participate.

The elections of May 2018 were executed without meeting the deficiencies of the Constitution. It was also convened by a Constituent Assembly that allows Maduro to govern with supreme powers and who was chosen in turn without a referendum, before the people decided he wanted a new Magna Carta.

Such are the constitutionalist arguments used by Guaidó in his support until then barren in support of the legalistic armed forces that balance the power game.

But he did not succeed, not even offering any guarantees, as a law of amnesty and pardon to those who supported Maduro. The Chavez regime is internationally accused of crimes ranging from human rights violations to the killing of opponents, including corruption, drug trafficking and attacks on democracy.

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Until now, the evidence indicates that the highest ranking soldiers are totally married in Maduroin a military-civic symbiosis controlling all economic interests in a country in ruins, which has lost 60% of the size of its economy in just five years.

In the coming hours, the Chavez government should launch a new offensive against Guaidó, against López, who escaped today, and against other opposition leaders. Also against what remains of the free media. For the moment, they closed on Tuesday CPR, the oldest radio station in Venezuela, and deleted CNN International subscription television. They also blocked access to the internet and several social networks during the hours of the brief military rebellion.

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In Venezuela, the Internet and smartphones are almost the only communication and information platforms available to some privileged people.

Guaidó's wager and efforts and the movement he leads are based on three objectives: the international support they have largely in the free world of the West; get the support of the army with sufficient firepower to move the balance under the weight of the weapons; and to carry out mbad demonstrations of millions of people in the streets, in order to form a mbad capable of expelling the Chavez leaders from the seats of the civil and military power.

On Tuesday, 30, none of the last two requirements were met, in the middle of a marathon process that is just beginning.

I followed minute by minute coverage of the situation in Venezuela:


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