Congenital heart disease day: 20 children are born every day in Argentina with this malformation


The heart is the clbadic protagonist of "Valentine's Day" or Valentine's Day messages every February 14th. But the opportunity was also used to designate the date as International Day of Conbad Heart Disease.

Almost 20 boys a day are born in Argentina with this malformation, the most common among babies and the leading cause of death in the first year of life, according to the Argentine Cardiological Foundation (FCA), who pointed out that thanks to available treatments "between 80 and 85% of these patients reach adulthood".

"Conbad heart defects are abnormalities or malformations of the cardiac structure that occurred during the period embryonic and they are present at the moment of be born"explained cardiologist Maria Celeste Carrero (MN 122721).

Prevention and treatment

The specialist and member of the FCA recalled that "these simple steps"How to take folic acid before and during pregnancy or vaccinating against rubella during childhood reduces the risk of fetal malformation.

"Periodic obstetric checks are also important during pregnancy and fetal echocardiograms in mothers who are more likely to have children with this condition, such as diabetics, carriers of conbad heart disease or the mothers of other children with this disease. "Carrero said that thanks to currently available treatments, which include not only conventional surgical procedures, but also minimally invasive techniques,"up to 85% of patients reach adulthood"

FCA explained that, although in most birth defects can not be identified a known cause, it is known that the consumption of alcohol and certain chemicals during pregnancy, such as anticonvulsant drugs, retinoic acid and certain infections such as rubella or poorly controlled maternal diabetes may contribute to its development.

They also pointed out that even if heart disease is present at birth, "may not be visible immediately or cause problems for years", so they recommended paying special attention to symptoms such as the bluish color of skin and mucous membranes or delayed growth with minimal weight gain, which can be indicators of the disease.

In older children, you should be alert to certain signs such as fainting.
In older children, you should be alert to certain signs such as fainting.

For older boys, care must be taken in case of disability perform physical activity or fainting and also when they present this blue or cyanotic color in the skin and the mucous membranes. "When a fetal ultrasound is detected, a pediatric cardiologist, a surgeon and other specialists may be present at the baby's birth.Having medical attention prepared at the time of delivery can make all the difference between the life and death, "they warned. .

On the effectiveness of treatment, they pointed out that "it's not curative", so" many patients require specialized cardiological monitoring for life, may suffer from complications and require new interventions. "Patients with conbad heart disease need to be followed in an interdisciplinary way to ensure that they have the best quality of life to their fullest potential," the FCA said.


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