Congress of the language: what you need to know about the event that starts this Wednesday in Córdoba


From Wednesday, March 27 until Saturday, the 30th International Congress of the Spanish Language (Cile) will be held in Córdoba, bringing together over 250 writers and Spanish-speaking political figures from around the world.

In the keys, we tell you what you need to know about the event:

  • When It runs from March 27th to 30th.
  • Opening The Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, the Spanish writer Carme Riera, the Costa Rican politician Rebeca Grynspan, the King of Spain and the President Mauricio Macri, as well as the organizers, will attend the inaugural session of the Teatro del Libertador restored from Cordoba. of the Cervantes Institute and the Royal Spanish Academy.
  • Who is it. The meeting brings together more than 250 writers, academics, experts and professionals from the Spanish-speaking world. The slogan of this Eighth Congress is "America and the Future of Spanish: Culture and Education, Technology and Entrepreneurship".
  • The most remarkable visits. Among the confirmed names for the event, are the visits of Jorge Edwards, Juan Villoro, Jorge Volpi, Paco Ignacio Taibo II, Sergio Ramirez, Eduardo Halfon, Mario Vargas Llosa, Martin Caparrós, Soledad Puértolas, Juan Manuel Bonet and Darío Jaramillo Agudelo. , Joaquín Sabina, Juan Luis Cebrián, José Creuheras, Mario Lavista, Horacio Vaggione, Elvira Sastre, Rafael Cadenas and Rebeca Grynspan. There will also be experts from non-Spanish speaking countries such as Brazil, Germany, the United States, Canada, Israel and China.
  • Real visit This Tuesday night came the kings of Spain, Felipe VI and Letizia.
  • Administrative break. It was organized by the province for public administration and for provincial schools in the capital. He invited municipalities to join and some schools in the interior have already indicated that they would not dictate courses. When and to whom does the holiday cover?
  • Security On Tuesday, the deployment of security began. The regime and the traffic cuts.
  • Female quota. The organization has announced a quota of 40% of women in Congress
  • Thematic axes. The Cile sessions are organized around five thematic axes: "Spanish, universal language"; "Language and interculturality"; "The challenges of Spanish in 21st century education"; "Spanish and the digital society"; and "The competitiveness of Spanish as a language of innovation and enterprise". Check out the program and seminars.
  • How are you going? Each section is organized in plenary, which starts with a general presentation, followed by one or two round tables, and between four and six round tables addressing the issues to be dealt with according to a sectoral approach.
  • respects Special plenary sessions will be organized: one to pay tribute to Víctor García de la Concha, former director of the Royal Academy of Spain (1998-2010) and the Cervantes Institute (2012-2017), and another will be dedicated to the Spanish composer Manuel de Falla, who died in Alta Gracia in 1946.
  • Who organizes it The event, organized every three years, is organized by the Cervantes Institute, the Royal Academy of Spain (RAE) and the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language (Asale), an Argentine organizing committee of the Nation, from the province of Córdoba the municipality of Córdoba and the National University of Córdoba, among other public and private organizations.
  • Registration and costs. Those interested can register on the official website. Entries cost 200 pesos to attend in person and 60 pesos to see the transmissions in another room. For foreigners, the cost is $ 6 (with in-person attendance) and $ 2 (with transmission badistance). Registrants will receive an official certificate for their attendance.
  • Festival of the Word. In parallel, from March 20th to 30th, in Cordoba, the Festival of the Word takes place.
  • hotels Bookings exceeded 90% in four- and five-star hotels. In two- and three-star hotels, demand was lower: 50% on average.
  • App. The Córdoba Tourist Board has developed a appcalled "Cortur" so that Cile participants have access to information about promotions and discounts. There will also be free guided tours for participants.
  • journalists More than 800 journalists are accredited to cover the event.


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