Congress of the Spanish language: Córdoba prepares for the big meeting of the language


Spanish as a common heritage shared by more than 570 million people around the world is the focus of the International Congress of the Spanish Language to be held this week in Cordoba, where 250 experts will gather to badyze the future of that language.

The King of Spain, Felipe VI, and Mauricio Macri will open on Wednesday VIIIth International Congress of the Spanish Language (CILE). This is the second time that this is happening in Argentina after the 2004 edition of Rosario.

The Ibero-American future of Spanish, the impact of digital technologies, the economic value of this language, the challenges of cultural industries, linguistic tourism, translation, linguistic mixing, language teaching or Judeo-Spanish learning topics to be discussed from 27 to 30 March.

The Nobel Prize for Literature Mario Vargas Llosa and the Brazilian writer Nélida Piñón Among the personalities who will participate in the first day of this congress, which will bring together writers, members of academies of the Spanish language, rectors, professors and university professors, editors, journalists, translators , businessmen and other professionals related to the Spanish language.

But representatives from the world of film, theater, music, business or cooking will participate, among other things.

Joaquín Sabina This is one of them, but on this occasion, the artist will be the subject of a tribute that will give him the world of tango, an event organized by the Cervantes Institute and the municipality of Córdoba.

This tribute is part of the program of the Festival of the Word, an event that will accompany the congress throughout its development by celebrating Spanish in the streets.

Thus, between March 20th and 30th, there will be more than 400 cultural activities involving about 4,000 artists in constant interaction with the public, both in the city of Córdoba and in fifty hundred localities of the province.

Places, clubs, public libraries and the most diverse spaces will be stages of cultural production to actively involve CILE citizens and the public.

The congress will pay tribute to the writer Juan Larrea and the musician Manuel de Falla – exiled in Argentina after the civil war – and a recital on the "Romancero Gitano" by Federico García Lorca, responsible for the "grande dame" of the theater Spanish Nuria Espert, directed by Lluís Pascual.

There will also be a tribute to Víctor García de la Concha, former director of the RAE (1998-2010) and the Cervantes Institute (2012-2017), as well as a session during which the organizing institutions (RAE-ASALE, Cervantes Institute and Argentina) will present your activities and projects.

The Royal Spanish Academy, the Association of Spanish Language Academies, the Argentinian Academy of Letters and the Alfaguara Publishing House They will also present at the congress a commemorative edition of "Rayuela" by Julio Cortázar.


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