Conicet and NASA | World ranking


While the adjustment on science progresses, while the Mauricio Macri government reduces the sector's budget and limits the entry of researchers, the scientific community in the streets rejecting Cambiemos' policies, international measures underline the quality of the product the public system in Argentina. This time, the prestigious world ranking Scimago has ranked Conicet among the best public scientific research institutions in the world, including those of NASA. Since 2009, Scimago has been monitoring the production of scientific knowledge around the world. To do this, it takes into account indicators of research results, innovation and social impact. In this year's ranking, the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (Conicet) ranks 21st out of 1391 state research institutions around the world. Ranked 22nd rank is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA of the United States. The ranking is led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


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