Considered a “Terminator”, he shot five people and then committed suicide: he was angry at being a “virgin, ugly and fucking fat” | the Chronicle


22-year-old man with marked insecurities about his physical appearance and a follower of the movement ‘incel’ was the author of a bestial shot this week in the city of Plymouth, Great Britain. After murdering five people, including a three-year-old girl, he committed suicide.

Jake davinson, a young YouTuber and bodybuilder, had a shotgun when he went out in broad daylight to execute innocent people. He first broke into the home of a 51-year-old woman, shot dead, then attacked the little girl and a 43-year-old relative. He then shot and murdered a 61-year-old man who was walking in a nearby park, then a 59-year-old woman who was in front of a barber shop. Finally, before the police arrived six minutes later, he committed suicide with a shotgun.

Jake Davinson’s tour on the day of the massacre. (Source: UK Daily)

Some witnesses assure that it was a moment “Horrible and very sad”. As detailed, he had been seen dressed in black and gray, smashing the door of a house and then opening fire on strangers. “First there were screams, followed by gunshots”, describes a woman in the English newspaper Online Mail. During this time, dozens of police remained near the said neighborhood in an attempt to reconstruct what happened during the massacre.

Davinson was obsessed with not being attractive or having a girlfriend because in his YouTube videos he claimed to feel repulsive for women. He was also criticized for being as big as his family and claimed to feel a deep hatred for his mother, Maxine. A few weeks ago, the YouTuber expressed his affinity for the “incel” movement, which in English means “Involuntary celibacy (involuntary celibacy)”. Members of this community think they are unattractive to women and blame it on genetics.

Some extremist followers believe that women owe them sex. Davinson saw himself as part of the “black loot” clan, in which his followers believe they are not worthy of love and that attempts to forge lasting relationships with women are doomed to failure.

However, the most serious feature with which they are linked to these topics is that they are linked to past episodes of mass shootings in the United States and Canada. The one that received the most media coverage was that of Ellito Rodger, who killed six people in the American city of California in May 2014 before taking his own life. Meanwhile, in 2018, Canada was the scene of a massacre after a young man named Alek Minassian, an Incel sympathizer, ran over a truck in a crowd and murdered ten people.

Jake Davinson had a YouTube channel where he called himself “Professor Waffle” and expressed his devotion to former US President Donald Trump and the incels movement.

On the other hand, on July 28, the youtubeur had expressed in a video that went viral on Reddit that he fantasized about the idea of ​​being “Terminator”: “It’s like in Terminator, you know, fate is nothing. The premise of the Terminator movies is that you know everything is rigged against you. There is no hope for humanity, “he said.

And he continued, “But nevertheless, humanity still tries to fight to the end! And I know it’s a movie, but you know, sometimes I like to think I’m the Terminator or something. And despite the fact that it arrives at an almost total failure of the system, it continues to try to fulfill its mission ”.

The late killer had also expressed on his social media his fascination with human atrocities, such as the Hungerford Massacre in 1987, one of the worst gun attacks in the UK in history, in which a former unemployed worker shot dead 16 people with semi-automatic rifles and a pistol.

Without a doubt, this massacre put the English government on high alert and caused great concern in the European country. An investigation is currently underway to determine how Davinson was able to obtain the weapon despite strict checks.

Meanwhile, the British Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party, Boris Johnson, he tweeted from his official account: “My thoughts are with the friends and family of those who lost their lives and all those affected by the tragic incident in Plymouth last night. I thank the emergency services for their response “, wrote.

Likewise, local Congressman Luke Pollard described the shooting as “absolutely devastating“And considered that it was “Probably the darkest day in Plymouth history since the end of World War II”, when the Nazi Luftwaffe squad bombed the city and its docks.


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