Conté resigned as Italian prime minister, but president asked him to continue | Chronic


The Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, submitted his resignation to the president Sergio Mattarella, who asked him to stay on a temporary basis until he consulted political parties on Wednesday about the possibility of forming a new government or holding early elections, the Italian presidency said.

In the midst of crisis, the head of state announced in a statement that Mattarella had accepted Conte's resignation and had asked the government "keep busy with the news", informed the EFE news agency.

"The consultations will begin tomorrow" and the calendar will be communicated in the next hours, indicates the text.

A few hours earlier, Conté had appeared before the Senate, at his request and after the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior. Matteo Salvini On 9 August, he put a motion of no confidence against him, who could not vote.

The Italian Prime Minister accused Salvini of provoking this crisis of political opportunism and accused him of institutional irresponsibility. "led the country to a spiral of political and financial uncertainty".

Conté, at the moment of reading the letter, before the eyes of the far right Salvini.

And he criticized that the League, led by Salvini, gave priority to his partisan interests to nationals and caused this situation in mid-August, just a few months after the development of general budgets for next year.


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