Controversial abandoned dog auction: scandalous reasons police academy wants to get rid of them


The Criminal Police Academy of China, from the northeastern province of Liaoning, recently released a statement saying she would sell a series of trained dogs because they don’t meet the standards of her position. The animals were examined and cataloged for “disposal” by the police.

the Technical College of Police Dogs, an affiliate of the police, recently posted an announcement that it would bid for the sale of multiple dogs. The races include the German shepherd and the Malian Lai. In the post, they listed the reasons each trained dog was culled, such as “does not have great athletic ability“”, “coward“”, “does not have erect ears”.

It has also been detailed that it is 54 trained dogs that were assessed and rejected, and the auction mode in which each interested party must see the file of each dog and then bid on the sale. The starting price for all dogs is 200 RMB (approximately 30 US dollars).

In the sheets of the specimens offered for sale, the reasons for the elimination of each trained dog are detailed, such as lack of athletic ability, shyness, small body, old age, little excitement, low adhesion, poorly resistant hind limbs, and there are some who simply “don’t bite”. Some of them have been classified as “overly friendly”, so they also don’t meet the demands of ferocity that their job entails.

The ad emphasizes that those who participate in the tender and get copies must make a commitment in writing, which includes treating adopted dogs properly, raising them and handling them properly until their natural death. , and will not be resold or transferred.

The sale of dogs eliminated by the police academy has sparked much discussion among internet users in mainland China. The “Sr Jiangning”, A Weibo Police veteran, who is certified as Deputy captain of the security brigade from the Nanjing Public Security Bureau, explained the “shortcomings” of these trained dogs.

By police dog standards, most of them do not have much influence, such as hearing impairment, floppy ears, long hair, and a small body.

In addition, some personality issues like shyness, lack of envy, little excitement, are also not big issues. “They are not “outdated police dogs‘, He said. “These are dogs that they were not admitted for police duties”.

The “flaws” of trained dogs are up to police dog standards, and most of them don’t have much impact or major problems being companion dogs. (Photo: Shutterstock).

Mr. Jiangning ”also recalled that most of the dogs eliminated for sale are German Shepherds, and a small number of Malian Lai dogs, which correspond to two breeds of dogs. whose possession is prohibited in most of the most important cities in China, and which have regulations for breeding dogs, so every new owner should take this into consideration when looking after any of the animals.


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