Controversial but not expensive: new aircraft seats offering to travel almost unemployed – 17/04/2019


It is possible that more than one proposal from the Skyrider 3.0 it's vaguely familiar. And this is not the first time that the Italian manufacturer Aviointeriors presents an aircraft seat design that this would allow a practically upright movement.

A year ago, on the same stage – the Aircraft Interiors Expo Hamburg – the company had launched a prototype that had surprised more than one: the Skyrider 2.0, evolution of a first project of 2010 .

This new model Skyrider 3.0 must overcome an additional obstacle: regulations that establish a certain minimum distance between seats (Aviointeriors).

This new model Skyrider 3.0 must overcome an additional obstacle: regulations that establish a certain minimum distance between seats (Aviointeriors).

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Both proposals, although revolutionary, posed security issues it made them unsustainable. However, the new model, in which disappears a vertical bar from the floor to the ceiling containing the structure, could be marketed immediately, according to the company. In the statements of a company expert at CNN Travel, the only obstacle to overcome would be related to aeronautical regulations: the minimum distance between seats.

In other words, the Skyrider 3.0 is viable, but does not comply with the current regulations that establishes that the minimum legroom in economy clbad is 28 inches – 71.12 centimeters – and that the new project limits it to 23 inches. inches -58.42 centimeters.

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Short routes

Designed for short haul routes, the new version raises a design similar to that of a bike saddle with fully vertical backrest equipped with the seat belt. It also incorporates a pocket table or folding table and a small hanger for the coat on the back of the seat. It weighs half of a standard chair and has fewer components.

For its implementation, Aviointeriors offers a cab configuration in several clbades. In this way, by adding the Skyrider 3.0 to existing clbades, it would be possible to offer a new super competitive price very competitive the one they call basic economic-, which would be adapted to the needs of each airline and to the different models of aircraft.

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The company is convinced that the simplicity of the design and the ability to sell more tickets at a lower price are a temptation for the airlines, always eager to reduce their costs.

If the project overcomes the failures and comes to fruition, one of the old wishes of Ryanair's executive director will have come true. And it's that, Michael O'Leary talked a decade ago about the possibility of marketing economically priced tickets for pbadengers willing to travel upright, a statement that had already caused many reactions from the world over. ;incredulity. The question is: what will be next?

Magda Bigas / The Vanguardia


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