Controversial measure: some British airlines could start weighing their passengers – 28/04/2019


Some British airlines can start weighing their pbadengers, reports The Sun newspaper. This measure would plan the amount of fuel needed for a flight, and therefore reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

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The initiative was proposed by the British company Fuel Matrix, which is dedicated to the development of a program help airlines reduce fuel costs and carbon emissions. The company is currently negotiating the implementation of the system with several UK companies.

According to the data compiled by the airlines, the total weight of the pbadengers is now calculated using the established figures: 88 kilos for men, 70 kilos for women and 35 kilos for boys.

35 kilos is what is calculated that weighs a baby. A company proposes to weigh pbadengers instead of settling, to save fuel. (EFE / Enric Fontcuberta)

35 kilos is what is calculated that weighs a baby. A company proposes to weigh pbadengers instead of settling, to save fuel. (EFE / Enric Fontcuberta)

Fuel Matrix claims that eThis calculation means that airlines use more fuel than they really need. Most flights Carries about 1% more than needed, says the company.

It is estimated that the weighing will be done when checking baggage or security checks.

According to Fuel Matrix, "More and more airports and airlines are turning to digital screen surveillance for weigh your luggage on a scale and answer questions about its contents. " However, before the controversy over the eventual measure to be established, the company states that "we do not suggest that people should stand on the scale, but airports could placepressure cushions& # 39; in the bag drop zone in front of each screen.

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The ideal system suggested by the company would be: "Once your baggage is checked, the system can ask:"Are you standing on the pressure pad? "if the pbadenger touches "yes", Then, the weight can be registered and transmitted to the airline confidentially. "

The regulator and the captain can work together to calculate the "zero fuel weight" Exactly (the weight of the plane plus freight and pbadengers) and load the right amount of fuelsaid Nick Brasier, chief operating officer of Berkshire's new technology company, Fuel Matrix, in an interview with The Independent.

Heathrow Airport, London, is the largest in England and one of the airlines would weigh pbadengers. (Archives)

Heathrow Airport, London, is the largest in England and one of the airlines would weigh pbadengers. (Archives)

Another place to weigh pbadengers could be found at the security checkpoint, during the total body badysis increasingly used at airports.

"The data collected would be handled and destroyed safely once the flight would have landed at its destination," said the same businessman.

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It is important to note that, under this system, heavier pbadengers will not have to pay additional costs, although some airlines insist that travelers who can not sit comfortably on a standard seat purchase an extra seat.


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