Controversial order of Pope Francis disappoints opposition punished by Nicaragua


Silvio Báez, Auxiliary Bishop of Managua, was transferred to Rome Source: AP

CARACAS.- "I did not ask to leave, I was called by the Holy Father." Silvio José Báez, auxiliary archbishop of Managua and symbol of popular rebellion against the president

Daniel Ortega

and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, will leave


to join the Vatican after the surprising order given by the

dad Francisco


"This decision of the Holy Father, which I accepted with loving obedience, made me cry the heart," confessed the most critical bishop of Sandinism last night. . And he is not the only one crying: the opposition has received the news as a blow when there are only a few days left for a year (April 18) of the first


against the government of the Ortega clan.

Báez went to the pope's call in Rome and received the order. "The pope did not make any comments, no reproaches, no corrections," he said. Of course, the Archbishop did not anesthetize his words by telling Francisco what was happening in Nicaragua: "It is a crucified people, a kidnapped country and there are factual powers dominated by lies, injustice, repression and ambition. A year of pain and suffering, the Via Crucis of this city ".

The burial of a victim of the repression of the Ortega regime
The burial of a victim of the repression of the Ortega regime Source: AFP

Since the outbreak of protests last year, the Ortega government has taken over Chavismo's repressive script: at least 300 violent deaths, hundreds of detainees, thousands of exiles and a dialogue located in an already prolonged stalemate . almost as long as the protests themselves.

"The forced exile of Bishop Baez must be recognized as a blow to the struggle for democracy in Nicaragua, which will come at the earliest," protested writer Sergio Ramirez.

"My solidarity with Bishop Silvio Báez, forced into exile in Rome, his departure is a deadly blow to persecuted people and represents a great challenge for the bishops of Nicaragua: keep alive the voice that makes tyrants", said Carlos Chamorro, the most prestigious journalist in the country, also exiled.

The Sandinista government has placed the bishop of Managua from the beginning, always in the vanguard of peaceful demonstrations and in defense of students and citizens. They accused him of being a culprit, inciting violence and helping injured protesters. Báez himself revealed yesterday that there "was a plan for my murder" in the middle of last year, which had been warned by the US Embbady. "They even told me where I could be, how to dress those who were going to run the action," he added. A few days earlier, the former US ambbadador had announced the veracity of the badbadination plan, in which she was also included, as well as other leaders of the opposition.

The pope greeted the Polish soldiers yesterday at Wednesday's hearing
The pope greeted the Polish soldiers yesterday at Wednesday's hearing Source: Reuters

Baez was attacked and wounded in the arm with a knife when Sandinista hordes attacked San Sebastián Basilica in Diriamba. From the government, the rebel cleric was also harbaded by audiovisual fixtures.

"I dream of a less diplomatic and fearful, more prophetic and courageous church to be a church beside the dead of the last, of those who do not have a voice, victims." In Nicaragua, there is no confrontation between two groups, there is an idolatrous group that sacrifices human beings and a crucified people, "concluded the bishop.

"The pope gives a strong desire to the regime of Ortega, when he brought Silvio Jose Báez out of the country, that he had declared enemy, the question is in exchange of what," protested today. Dora María Téllez, ex-Sandinista commander of the dissident.


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