Controversial treatment by lawmaker: “I drink cow urine and that’s why I don’t have Covid” | the Chronicle


Despite the fact that medical professionals insist that there is no scientific proof of the effectiveness of alternative treatments for the coronavirus, there are still some irresponsible people who insist on magic solutions that put the people in danger. This was the case with Pragya Singh Thakur, a parliamentarian from the city of Bhopal, at India, which recently sparked a controversy on the networks, after saying that cow urine “reduces lung infections” and helps prevent contagion by Covid-19.

“If we drink the urine of Indian cows, the infection in our lungs is reduced. I drink cow urine every day. That is why I have no covid at the moment.”said Thakur, who is a member of India’s ruling party BJP.

The unusual statement was reportedly made last Monday during a visit to a hospital, where he oversaw the delivery of 25 oxygen concentrators.

The sayings have generated thousands of disqualifying responses on social media. Many called him “ignorant”. “If ignorant people rule this country, the result will be as follows”wrote a user on Twitter.

Send her to work in a FIA covid-19 without personal protective equipment! “someone else tweeted.

This is not the first time that a member of his political party has urged the population to use this “natural remedy”. At the beginning of May, the legislator Surendra Singh shared the recipe for this “miracle concoction”. In a video posted to his social media, the man said that 50ml should be mixed. of cow urine with cold water and drink it daily to gain immunity against the virus.

“People should remember God and do what past generations have done to deal with these things.”Singh said in the video, in which he is seen drinking the preparation.

The cow is considered a sacred animal in Hinduism and for centuries its wastes were used in religious rituals and to disinfect homes, under the belief that they have therapeutic and antiseptic properties.

These types of messages contradict the recommendations of health experts, who insist that alternative treatments for the coronavirus can lead to a false sense of security. Especially there is no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of smearing the body with feces or consuming cow urine and on the contrary, people are at risk of other infections.


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